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An Act to amend the ninth section of an act, entitled an act concerning free persons of color. . 1856 48 (1856)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactstx0074 and id is 1 raw text is: river, bayou., or lake, 'hich is not ,Mrvig.ble for at least OR'
miles, shall-bo ontitled to. the beneflti of, this! act or the ata
which this is supplementary and amendatory.
SEc. 5. That if the State Engineer and Superintendent
shall, after surveying, exploring and laying off any river, bayou,
lake or bay, find that the'appropriation as designated in said
everal private subscriptions, for such navigable waters will
not cff'ct a permanent, con.tinuou9 and valuable itnprovem'eit
upon such navigable water, said Engineer and Superintendent
m.hall have the power to apply said subscriptions and State
appropriation to such portions of said navigable waters as ho
Mhall be satislied will effect the m)st prm-nment and valuableo.
improvement thereon, and he shill notify the Governor and
said Collectors and freasurers upn what portion of said
waters said appropriations will be made.
SEc. 6. Said Engineer and Superintendent shall' continue
in office two years, or until the election, and qualification of
his successor in offize. And whenever any vacancy occurs in
said offlme, by death, resignattion or otherwise, or in the offico
of any C llector and Treasurr, it siall bi the duty of the
Governor to fill said vacanoy by appointmont, which appoint-
meat shill continni in ofllke until tw nty dtys after the next
v'ogular session of the Lgislatura. An~l that this act take.
affect from and after its passage ;
Approved 23d A-ugust, 185G.
An Act to ameal the ninth scetion of an act, entitled an at
concerning free persons of coloi, approved  cbruary 5th,
SNOTIoN 1. Be it enacted by- the Legislature of the State
of TJxas, That the ninth section of the above recited act is
hereby amendedi so that the same shall hereafter read as fol.
lows, to wit: That it shall not be lawful for any master of a
vessel, or owner thereof, nor for any other person whatoevor,
to bring, import, induce or aid or assist in the bringing, in-
porting or inducing any free person of colour, within the limits
of the State of Texas, directly or indirectly. And any person
so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on
aonviction thereof in the Distrit Court, shall be fined in I

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