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An Act making an appropriation of five thousand dollars for the indemnification of the owners of slaves executed since the 24th day of January, A.D. 1852. 1853 10 (1853.11)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactstx0063 and id is 1 raw text is: persons anl property of all persons sulject to taxation in said
counirty of Preestone, Cjr tie purpose of' buildiig a C(ourthouao
il said C(Juuty, which shall be assessed and coll eted as other
taxes. Provided, that the Jority tax shall not exceed one
humdred per (cnt. on the State 1ax.
Srcc. 2. That this act take etlet and be in force from and
after its pwaage.
Approved, I1urnary 24, 1854.
.An Act to amend an act entitled  An, Act to ie the jvay and
mileage of Mhe Members of the Legislature, ,qproved
April 13, 1816.
S.crloN 1. 13e it enacted liv the Legislature of the State of
'exas, 'l'bat tim Meihersoft lie rLegislat ture, at each sessioln here-
after t i be ludl, sh.all receive frii the Treasurmy iif tl~e State,
as their cilipesLlisiim, live dollars f'or each day they shall be in
attendance oil tile smilii, arid five idlhllas for every twenty five
tiiles they may travel iii going io, arid returnirig fi'on the
place of ci.iven|ilig the ILegislature.
Approved, Jauary 26, IS54.
Cl I    E TI1I XIV.
.1l ACt M n1%'flan 011,JJ/rOj)r;atio w f 1 vf, t1 o misd dollars for
the SAdtann tsa/ioh  if tMe oilm, rs f vlaves e ecut'd 8ince
the 2.th, da,y (' Jin tewuy, 4. D. I S.2.
SEeC'TIOx 1. le it U1acted hy tlile Legidalure of tlhe State of
Texas, That th ie SuM or live thuisail dollars, (.5,0r0 00,) or
so lituch threof, as iia)y he liecssiry, is hereby set aside and
al)priipriated mt (if any teiorey nit t lerwise aprolpri).iated in
the Treasurv, Ilr the purpose ori cai'ryirtg out the irovisiors of'
fan act crit ithId at act to indelnifiv the owners 11'r tine loss of
slaves executed f,,r capital olknie<' approved Janary 2-1th,
S.c. 2. That this act take eflect from  and after Its passage.
Approved, January 26, 1854.

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