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An Act to incorporate the town of Texana. 1839 224 (1839)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactstx0029 and id is 1 raw text is: jib sale in some public newspaper, for at least sixty dhys, to sell'
at public auction any number thereof not exceedig one-half of'
the whole number of lots; and the said Commssioners are hereby
required to appropriate the proceeds arising from the sale of saidi
lots, after paying the necessary expenses of purchasing snrvey-
&c., to the erection of a court house, jail, and such other*
pulic buildinis as they may deem necessary andproper;
ISc.        ej Doe it further enacted, That all the land procure.
niider the provisions of this act, and all the proceeds arising there-
from, shal be tinder the control, and at the disposal of the com-
missionors of roads and revenue of said new county where the'
eane shall have been created.
Speaker of the House of Repmsentatives.
President of the Senate..
Approved F'lruatsy 4th, 1840.
AN AC,71.
To iierporate the tovn of Texana.
Snc.. 1. Be it eiacted by 1/to Senate and Hfouse of .Pe-
rresentatives of the Republic of Texas in Congress assembled,.
-That the citizens of the town of T vuaA. be, and they are hereby
declared a body. corporate and politic tunder the name and style of
tile corporain of the, town of Texala, and by that namne may sue
and be sted, plead and be imp leadb, and hold and dispose of re-
al and personal property, within the limits of said corporation.
Sic. 2. Be it firiker enacted, That it shall be the duty
of said citimns, on the first Monday in January of every year, to
elect six aldermen, a mayor, a treasurer, a secretary anda con-
stable; said election to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. and close
at 2 o'cloelk P. KL; to be conducted by the mayor and at least two,
aldermen, the mayor having given five days notice by advertise-
acuts posted up at three 6f the most public plates in said town.
8 :c 3., Be it further enacted, That ao person shall be
eligible to hold an ofltce in said corporation, or vote for members.
of aid body, who shall not at the time of the election, be tile own-
er of real estate, or actually paying rent within the incorporated
limits, and who shall not have residted therein six months previ-

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