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An Act to amend the several acts passed to incorporate the town of Knoxville, and for other purposes. 1851-1852 492 (1851)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactstn0167 and id is 1 raw text is: 492
AN ACT to amond the several acts passed to incorporate the town of Knozrille, and
for other purposes.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
the State of Tennessee, That the Mayor and Aldermen
of said town shall have power by ordinance within
the limits of the corporation of the city of Knoxville to
make regulations to prevent the introduction of conta-
gious diseases in the said city, to make quarantine laws
for that purpose and enforce the same to the dis-
General powers, tance of two miles from the limits of said corporation;
to establishihospitals and make regulations for the gov-
ernment thereof; to establish a system of free and oth-
er schools, and to regulate the same; to open, alter,
abolish, widen, extend, establish, grade, pave or other-
wise improve, clean and keep in repair, streets, allies,
and side walks, or have the same done, either with or
without the consent of the owners; to license, tax and
regulate grocers, pedlars, bank agencies, coffee houses,
confectioners, hawkers, ten pin alleys, livery stable
keepers, and negro traders; establish and fix the rate
of wharfage; to licence, tax and regulate hackney car-
riage, carts, omnibusses, wagons and drays, and fix
the rates to be charged for the carriage of persons and
property within said corporation; to regulate the police
of the city; to impose fines, forfeitures and penalties for
the breach of any ordinance, and to provide for the re-
covery and appropriation of the same, and to appoint
an officer or officers for the city, being a justice of the
peace .or recorder, before whom such recovery may be
had; provided nothing herein contained shall be con-
strued as a repeal of the authority heretofore given to
the Mayor and Aldermen of said town, to try persons
and impose fines upon persons guilty of an infraction
of any ordinance; to provide for the arrest and confine-
ment, until trial, of all rioters and disorderly persons
within said city, by day or by night; to authorize the
arrest and detention of all free negroes, slaves or sus-
picious persons found violating any ordinance of the
city; to prevent and punish by pecuniary penalties or
by imprisonment; all breaches of the peace, loud noise,
sabbath breaking, or disorderly assemblies in any
street, house or place in said corporation, by day or by
night; to provide for the removal of all obstructions,
from pavements or side walks, and to have the same
paved at the expense of the occupants or owners of
the ground fronting thereto, and said corporation shall
have power to impose fines and penalties upon all

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