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An Act for the better regulation of the towns of Shelbyville and Fayetteville, in the counties of Bedford and Lincoln. 1811 78 (1811)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactstn0011 and id is 1 raw text is: CRAP. LXXIII.
AN' ACT for thebetterregulationof thetownsof Shei'
byville and Fayetteville, in, Mc counties of Bedford
and Lincoln.,
Sec. 1. DE it enacted by the Gewe al4-ssenbly of the
'State of T ncsseThat jishall be the duty of the
tomselected.  seriffi of te counties of Bd ford audLincolu afore-
said, hji',themselves crtheir deputies, to hol'elections
at the court houses' of therespectly  counties, on the
furst ' Saturday idi January in each 'ad every yeal', Io
the purpose of electing five suitable persons in each
town, fre chold citizens of their respective towns, to act
as coniunissioners, yho-shall hold their appointments
for the terin of twelve months, or- until the next
succeeding election, f&i the purpose aforesaid.
See. 2. Be it enacted,'Tliat allf itiesor freehold-
Who maU ote ers in said towns, who have a right to vote.for members
of the general assembly, shall be cntitled-to a vote in:
said elections, and a nmjority of said commissioners so
elected, shall constitute a quorum to (o bysiness; and
id case of. . -vacancies happening by death, resignation,
remoyal or othdeiwise, it shall and may be lawful for
Vacaiciespro- the balance of the commissioners of said town, where
sidedfor.     snch vacanaey inany.happen, to meet and appoint a suit-
able person. or p.erson,to Jill such vacancy or vacancies,
as the case,may. be.
Duty of Com-   See. . lie it inacled, Thit the commissioners of
missioners*  each of the tows.$tforcsaiOd, at their first meeting af-
ter the election atpiually, shall appoint a chairman.
from their own body, aiid suil idlso appoint a treasurer
and clerk annually, which treasuveashall keep a regu-
lar and justaccount of all. 'Aonicareceived and-paid out
by him, in a book to be kept y hinm for that purpose,
which said book. with the money then irsthe treasury,
and papers appertaining to said oflice, ho shidlt deliver
up to his successor ; and tihe clerk.sbhall. koep;-a true
and regul ar account of the proceedings.of the comnmis-
sioners, and advertis (he rules by thei. adopted; when
ever they may cm it necessary, who shill receive
tush comp~ensation, together with the treasurer, as said,
com missioners may conceive adequate to their 3erviens.
and oxpenditures.
See. 4. Be it enacted, That the said commissioners
The ir' power. shall have power to compel the inhabitants of their re-
spective towns, that are liable to work on roads, to
work on, and keep in repair, the streets of their towns
respectively, and to appoint an overseer thereof, who

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