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An Act for the regulation of the town of Clarksville. 1807 103 (1807)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactstn0008 and id is 1 raw text is: stall be ti-ed, of which the officer seing said stibp eti
Speaker of ile huse of Represen tativesk
Speaher of the Senqte.
December 3, 1 P.
AN   ACT    for the reguIatick    of  the tow, of-
SECTiON 1 B          acaby the Gnral Assembby of
S Othe -to Of Teinese, That it shall he
the duty of the sh riff oM M'on1tgoneiy county, by limsefElectio fcoi
or deputy, to open a:;i hold an election at the courthbuse mzissionwrls for
in Clarksvilld, to coPmence at twelve o'clock, on th-fi-st Clarkville
Thursday in March next, aikd close at four o'clock on th
shtme day ;. and on.d!h san  day; and between the same
hours in'every secdid year threafter, having ldvertised.
the same at the court houst door of said cotifniy, teii dayS
immediately pteceeding each election, for the purpose of.
electing five persons by bdlot, to act as conunissioners for
said town ; and at said elections, every free male above
the aget o f twenty-one veas, reident i said toyyn, Ibd
every free male above aiid age, who shall be at the time
of election proprietor of real property in said towii wheth-
er resident 6r not shall be permitted to vote; but no per-
son other ihan a-ftecholder in, and inhabitant of said town
shall bent ariy time eft ible to the dppoiitinent of commis
sioner ; and the five jersons so qualified, having the high-
est number of votes at said election, shall bb the commis-
ioners of said town.
SEc. 2, Be it enacted, That said conmmissioners befort
they eiitei upon the duties of their appointment, shall take
the following oath, (to wit:) I, A, B. do swear, that Irvillikiroai
faiflly execute and discha7;?e the . diuies of the ofice of
co7ntissioner fo the towvn of Clarksville, to the best of any
skill and abilities. SO. HELP ME GOD.
SEc. J. e it enacttd, That a majority of s9id com-
rnissioners shall constitute a bdaidd td tralisact business
and when any vacancy shall happen, by the (ieath, remo4-
al froni towii, or otherwise ofany of the members'of said
board, it shall be the duty df the chairnan of sid board, An election i
or if the vacincy shall happeh by reaspn of the diath, re- case of
inovali &c. of the chairman, then; two memcbers shall cer-vacancy
tify the saneto the sheriff for the time beiig; *ho shat
forthwith, hold an electiond it the court hoIse fcoesail
for the purpose of electrig a person of- pei-soifs to. supply
guch vacaricy< having previously 88vellised.the saine
is hereiri befoie required; aiid the eerson ab deitedd1

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