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An Act for the better organization of the militia, and for other purposes. 1862-1863 100 (1862)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0446 and id is 1 raw text is: STATUTES AT LARGE

No. 4613.
I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, now met
oIininances of and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That
repoied.   the Ordinances of the Convention of this State, except the Ordinance en-
titled An Ordinance to exempt overseers from the performance of militia
duty, passed on the second day of January, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, which is amended hereinafter by
the provisions of this Act, and all Acts, Resolutions, and Orders, of the
Governor and Council, altering, suspending or repealing the Militia law of
ailillActin  this State. be, and the same are hereby, repealed; and the provisions of the
Act of the General Assembly, entitled An Act to reduce all Acts and
clauses of Acts in relation to the Militia of this State to one Act, and to
alter and amend the same, passed on the seventeenth day of December, in
the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-one, and all
Acts amending the same, which are not inconsistent with the provisions of
this Act, are hereby declared to be of full force and effect.
Pirt of Act of  II. That an Act entitled ' An Act to amend and suspend certain portions
Isi1repealed. of the Militia and Patrol laws of.this State, passed on the seventh day of
December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-
one, be, and the same is hereby, repealed, except the fifth, sixth, eleventh
and thirteenth sections, which are hereby declaied to be of full force and
Commission  effect; and that said thirteenth section be so amended that the Clerk therein
Ulr.ay of authorized to be appointed by the Governor shall be entitled to a commis-
sion as Assistant Adjutant General, with the rank and pay of First Lieu-
tenant of Infantry in Confederate service, to date from the day of his
Persona liable  III. All male persons between the ages of eighteen and fifty shall be
to Military
uorvice.    liable to militia duty, except persons who are exempted by the said Act of
eighteen hundred and forty-one from all militia service.
Exemptions    IV. The following persons Shall be exempted from ordinary militia duty,
bilirduty   but shall be liable to perform the duty in times of alarm, insurrection, in-
vasion, or as one of the posse comitatus, when required, and shall not be
exempted from actual service in their respective Districts, when called out
by the Governor under the militia organization: The members of both
branches of the Legislature and their respective officers, including the
Attorney General and Solicitors of the State, during the session, and fifteen
.days before the sitting and fifteen days after the adjournment thereof; all
those in Confederate or State military service, including the officers and
Cadets of the State Military Academy; all regularly officiating clergymen;
all regularly licensed practicing physicians over the age of tfuirty-five years;

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