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An Act to establish certain roads, bridges, and ferries. 1845 347 (1845)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0362 and id is 1 raw text is: OF SOUTH-AROLINA.

1. Be it enatcted, by the honorable the Senatennd House of Representatives, No. 2971.
now met and sitting in General Assembly. and by the authority of the same,
That the Ferry over Lynche's Creek, in Marion and Williamsburg Districts,
known as Johnson's Ferry, be and the same is hereby chartered as a Public johnson's errry
Ferry, for the term of seven years, and vested in William Johnson, his heirs chartered.
and assigns; and the following rates of Toll allowed, viz: For single Por- Rates of toll.
riage, foi each Man and Horse, 12- cents; led Horse, 6. cents; each Foot
Passenger, 61 cents; each Wagon drawn by four Horses, $1; onch Car.
riage drawn by four Horses, $1 ; each Carriage and two [Hors:,s, 75 cents
cach Wagon drawn by one Horse, 25 cents; each Gig, or Sulkey, 25 cents;
each Cart and -lorse, 25 cents ; cach head of Cattle, 61 cents; each head of
I Hogs, Goats, or Shoop, 4 cL nts; and for lung or double Ferriage, double the
amount of above rates.
I. That the Bridge over Lynche's Creek, in Sumter District, known as Duo ae' r
Duboso's Bridge, be and the same is hereby Chartered, for the teirm of seven eridccharter
years, and vested in Peter Dubose, his heirs and assigns; with the samed
rates of Toll hcrcofore allowed by Law.
Ill. That the Ferry over the galuda River, near the Island Ford, at thecrr overSa-
Junction of the Districts of Edgefield, Abbeville, Laurens and Newberry, be Island Ford
an thle same is hereby Chartered as a Public Ferry, for the term of eightchartered.
years, and v:sted in James S. Pope and John W. Payne, and that the follow.
ing rates of Ferriage be allowed, viz: For each Foot passenger, 4 cents; Rates of toll.
each led [orso, 4 cents ; cach Man and Borse, 0 cents ; for each two
wheolod Carriage, Horse and Driver, 25 cents ; for each four wheeled Car.
riage drawn by one Horse, 25 cents; for every four whcoled Carriage, or
Wagon drawn by two Horses, 37, cents ; for every four wheeled Carriage,
or Wagon drawn by four or more Horses, 50 cents; for every lI ad of Cattle,
3 cents; for every head of Sheep, Goats, or Hogs, 2 cents.
IV. That Cyru Morse be nand is hereby authorized, to alter and change aus aorae
that portion of the Road, in Richland District, leading across from the Mc- change certain
Cord's Ferry Road, to the Road from Garner's Forry to Columbia, which road.
passes directly in front of his plantation settlement, in said District.
V. Tat the 'Turopike Road, in Pickens District, leading from  Pumpkin Keilrh'sTont-
Town to the base of the Table Mountain, and known as Keith's Turnpike, pike rechartr-
be and the same is hereby ro.chartered, for the term of seven ycars, and ves-
ted in Cornelius Keith, his heirs and assigns, with the following rates of Toll,
to wit: Each Foot passenger, 6j cents ; cach led [Horse, 64 cents; cach Man
and Horse, 121 cents; for each two whooled Carriage, Horse, )river &c.,
25 cents ; for each fou' wheeled Carriage drawn by one Horse, 25 cents
for each four wheeled Carriage drawn by two, or more Horses, 50 cents.
VI. That the  8-h section of tIhe Act, to establish certain Roads, Bridges Rates oftoll.
and Ferries, passed on the eighteenth day of December, in the your of ous seio of
Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty.four, be and the sa  of is  aorcty oads, b ridges
repealed,                                                           and ferries,
VII. 'ht Andrew Milne, the present proprietor of the most Northern repealed.
part of the tract of Land, known and distinguished as Raven's tract, on John's Andrew Mitne
Island, (formerly owned by James Mair,) shall be and is hereby exempted working new
from the operation ofany Law, requi iring his male slaves to work on New-Town Town cot, with
Cut, so long as he shall not make use of' the same, for the purpose of con- certain of I
veying produce to market, or in any manner whatever: Provided, however, negroes.


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