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An Act to incorporate certain Societies and Companies, and to renew and amend certain Charters heretofore granted, and for other purposes. 1845 316 (1845)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0358 and id is 1 raw text is: STATUTES AT LARGE.

A. D. 1845. now provided by Law, that it is to say-for the Districts of Richland, Edge-
field, Spartanburg and Chesterfield, on the first Monday in March and Octo-
bur, in every year, to sit two weeks, fbi the Districts of Richland and Edge.
field, and one week for the Districts of Spartanburg and Chesterfield at oel
Union and  term; for the Districts of Union and Marlborough, on the second Monday in
Mariborougl. March and October, in every year, to sit two weeks for the District of Union
and one week for the District of Marlborough, at each term; for the Dis-
Nevberry and tricts of Newberry and Darlington, on the third Monday in March and Octo-
Darlington. ber in every year, to sit one week at each term ; for the Districts of Fair-
Fairfield, Lex- field, Lexington and Marion, on the fourth Monday in March and Octo.
SMoniand ber, in every year, to sit one week at each term; for the Districts of Ches-
Chester,Sump-ter, Sumter and florry, on the first Monday after the fourth Monday in
tcr and H1orry. March and October, in every year, to sit for one week at each term; for the
York, Kershaw Districts of York, Korshaw, and Georgetown, on the second Monday after
anct George-        Mna
ton .   the fourth Monday in March and*and October, in ofory year, to sit for one
Lancaster and week at each term ; for the Districts of Lancaster and Williamsburgh, on
Williamsburgh the third Monday after the fourth Monday in March and October, in every
Charleston.  year, to sit for one week at each term ; for the District of Charleston, on the
first Monday in May in every year, instead of the second Monday in March
to sit six weeks.
Writswhen rc,  II. That all writs and process which shall have been made returnable to
turnable.  the Courts of any of the said Districts, at the times heretofore provided by
Law, shall respectively, be legal and valid to all intents and purposes, for the
Courts next to be held in the said Districts, respectively, according to the
provisions of this act, and that ill persons who have been summoned, or may
hereafter be summoned, to attend the Courts of any of the said Districts, a-4
jurors or witnesses, or who now are, or shall hereafter be bound in recojni-
zanco to appear at any of the said Courts, at the times heretofore providcld
by Law, sh'll he mnd are hereby required to ationd or appear at the Courts
of the said Districts, respectively, next to be held according to the provis.
ions of this act.
Spartanburt  Ill. That Spartanburgh, be, and is, hereby added to the Northern Cir-
added to.
northera circuit Cuit.
In the Senate Ilouse, the fifteenth day of December, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and forty'five, and, in the seventieth year of the Sove-
reignty and Independence of the United States of America.
ANGUS PATTERSON, Prcsident of the Senate.
W. F. COLCOCK, Speaker of the House of Representalives.
1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives now met and
sittiig in General Assembly, and ly the authority of the same, That all free
white persons who now are, or hereaftec may become members of the fol-
Certain Socie- lowing Religious Societies and Associations, to wit  The Evangolical Lu-
etis and  t   n Cd
Coijanies. theran Church of Mount Calvary, in Edgfield Distr'ict Good [lope

3 16.

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