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Comptroller-General's Report to the Honorable, the President, and other Members of the Senate of the State of South Carolina. 1831 1 (1831)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0242 and id is 1 raw text is: Comprller-(             enieral's     IcIport.
To lk'e Honorabi/, tN  Prtsidrirn, aimd olhr Mcuibrrs of iMe Scnate
rf //w Stiha tj Sou/lk Carolina.
Twir C'.nib, r-Gieimrial zpecttbly suilluts the ollowing REPORT
Thll balaice ii tl.* TreasurY, onl the lst day of Ortober, 1830, was
1113,753 3. F  iron 10ih Sepiombu'r, 1830, to ist October, 1831, the Re-
Cil*'. from atll Son 6of 411, Revenule, have amounted to *127(6,836 30 ; and
tle Piyeints, to  ,5,40  69 ; leaviig a balance in tie Treasury, at the
11111 ofl the year, of' 8155,2S(i 94. It should he known, however, that the
Treasury btands charged with tli sun of $46,8001, for specific appropria-
tints, mnado at h in last Scssion of the Logislatire, and not yet drawn, from
various cuus's, whidh, lul they been paid within the year, would have re
i!,iced the balance to $108,4186 94.
Finding that thie Committee of Ways and Means of thn Honorable House
fltc'pres;entatives, did not concur in the views of' tihe Finanices of the
Stat', as presented il th last Atinal Report from this Oflice, the subject
has been re-considre' w ith all the attention which its importance, and the
hih respot enteriined fir the opinions of the Committee required. But
the mot matilr consilernflon, with the light of another year's operi-
eln.*, hi    k f lirihed nothing to change, but much to confirm impressions,
whiiih, howetfv'r reltctnutly received, could not have been withhold without
l lSacrifice ofi dlly. A previotiu Committee, in it Report made in Decem.
bpr, 18:9, Irid as.urted that thu lank of the State of South-Carolina, un.
-'ti'ved by the Treasory, wouhI be able to ieet the paymnts of the Pub.
]I De!lt -I- thevy respecth ivly becaie due. Tie Comptrollr-Generatllcontro-
'rtAi thii a ;urtion, atnd exibihited a ca'ledhittoi predicated on the estimate
I that  milillitter, the oljct of which was to crry out their estimate on
ilthir own11 principles, and huw itht (hth data furnished, defelated the propo-
Nhion laid down. The C.mnittee ol' thin lust S0ssion, assented to his con-
.i.wu 114 difilucwd' hi~t rc f'usrted, in elbect, the original proposition,
*-lfuling', it onl it d5lilln  ustinlate.
Whether the BaInk can be safely depended on for the redemption of the
lullic DIet as it thls due, i. tile most important question connected with
th Finances of the State-it is a question, too, that must be settled before
it can be known whether any othar, and what additional means should be
frovided. If the estimate accoillpanying the Report of the Committee can
ie llstined, the ability of the Bank may be readily conceded; and regard-
,A nierely as containing the opinion of so intelligent a body in Its most tan-
Oble form, the calculation is certainly entitled to great consideration. Nav-
itless, it i the more iagerous, if it be erroneous, and it is believed
v) Io obeeinently so in all Its material results. The menns to which the Com-
lMl!ten secm to look forward for an increase of the profits of the Bank, are:
l: An additional circulation of $300,000. 2nd. A more vigorous system
f diusolllts.  3rd. A more active employment of the Sinking Fund.
i'l'>. propositions will be considered in their order.
hi thf e first platce, it may he remarked, that the Legislature, however wino
it if i'lht he for genaeral purpomom, would labor under great disadvantages in
lir ting it fank ; for of all instititioils, Banks arn most under the influence
Stt es and cireunistatucs, il these ari continually changing. A meas
rt hat tniarhtt he prorfpr, and even highly ex'edient at the bieginning of a
l. i-hiht piroveo ruiinulis lit till' #iiI  'herre k no quesltion connetied wili

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