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A Resolution regarding a petition to the Committee of Finance. 1828 28 (1828.11)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0212 and id is 1 raw text is: 28

i the Senate, Decemiber 19, 188.
THE Committee on Internal Improvements, to whom uas referred the Report of'
the Supcriited ent of Public Works, on the petition of Elitha Daniel, Report, that
the prenises which are the subject of the said petition, were conveyed by Elisha Dan-
iel to the State, fr the purpose Of enabling the Stateto construct the Columbia ca-
nal lrou:ghi it. I'lOl conveyance includes lands extending about seventeen hundred
feet in iligth, al eighty in breadth. It wits nade without other compensation than
the expeclation of its increasiig the value of the other parts of the squares retained
by him. The canal, on excavation, ran so near the river, that in many places noland
was left him ; in other places so near the street that but a few feet of the lots were
left, 1nd eli has been dtteated in tie expectation, that a gratuitous surrender ofa part,
would cause the ot her parts of his lauds to be more valuable. Your committee con-
sider it a imere act ofjistice, that the lani thus acquired, which is not necessary for
the canal, siouid be re-convey d, under such restriction As will secure the public inte-
rest, and therefore recioniend that the Superintenulent of I'ublic Works, or hissuc-
cessor in oifice, do re-covey to tames 1'allice, who lus purchased Mr. Daniel's
rights, in fee, till the lainls between the Congare, the Columbia canal, Gervaiii-street,
and the centre of the square tin the Sotith side of y'llor-stree t, including all tie parts
of streets withini tle said tihlus, uxCCtLing teCI'omi the tow path i on tie west side
of the canal, anil which shi'l extenil eight feet frot tie to, of tue slope of the bank
of the canal, and reserving to the si t, usl its otlcers, the right at all times to enter
upon the lands Cnirtainei withini the )hiits tleaid, for the soie purpose of raising,
strengthe ning and repairing the batnks of til: ctial, or any culvert thereof, by mate-
i1als brought there; lie, the said .lines Wallace, tir himttself, his heirs and assigns,
stipulating that neither lie nor they, nor ainy of ithem, will do any act within the said
limits, which shall we aktin or inijre ti lt-jaid canal, or titty baik or culvert thereof,
and that neither lie nor they, not any of them will erect on the prenies a v other
than fire proof buildings, Within fifty feet of the woollen s'lur'strLcItur 1e of the Colum-
bia bridge: Provided, htouever, that lie mat be authorized to keep up tie buildings
there now erected; and that the said Supetintend  or his successor in Oflice do con,
A'cv to the sai James Wallace, in fee, all tlt- lands onl tie East side of the said caial,
ivilich were coon'eyed by tlt, said Elisha Daniel to the State ; and also a part of Gist-
street adjoitinin tile sailanhuds extending foir lindred and Seventten feet (4.17) ftroln
Gervais to Ladv'treet, and Being twenty fieet in) btreadtht, excepting thet'efr'om twenty
feet in width the whole length of the laint so cinvey,'d, and reserving to the State and
its oflicers, the right to add to the said canal tnit the East side, ten feet in width, and
to construct the proper slopes to the banks thereof; on anyt t part ofthe land so convey-
ed, except that ito such Sltpes shall be made in pirts Where tile said Jamttes Wallice,
his heirs or' assignis, shall erect and keep tilt it substantial waill, rising directly front the
bottom of the canal at the distance of twnty feet thum the centre thereof, so high as
to prevent waslitigs into the canal, 'ii the lands adjoining it. The buiding of the
said James Wallace enc'oachitig on Lady-strect may remain, but shall not be re-con-
Resolved, That the Seniate do agree to the report. Ortdered, That it be sent to the
House of itretatives.
By order ofthe Senate,                       JOB JOHNSTON, C. S.
It the House of Representalives, December 19, 1828.
Resolved, That the louse do concur in the report. Ordered, That it be returned
to tie Sehate.
By order of th1e House,                   R?. ANDERSON, C. H. it.
In the Senate, .N'ovemtber 29, 1828.
THE Committee of Finance, to whom was refeiied tire petition of'Joseph lickle,
praying for an extensian of tle time for the payment ot'the. sum of two hundred dol-
1its tie the State, by virtute Of a prciAse Cof a personr of colour for a limited time, to
agitisfv the taxes imposed by Iaw on said coloured person, which were in arrear and
uiald, have had the subject committ'di to them under their consideration, and re-
spectfilly. Report, thiat the prayer of the petitioner, under the circumstances ofl the
utse, is reasonable; and upon the said petitioner giving good and iufficienlt sccurity

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