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Claims petition. 1827-1828 43 (1827)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0202 and id is 1 raw text is: Sc Resoveoa, Th t all piblic officer corporatios and other persons charged with
the receipt a  4xpenditi r o  i    money ,'l6 return their accounts anid vonl
to tleComptro1jer-Genteral, on or blbreisie flist 'daiy  ( Novemtber, ahttl all nd
that it shall be his ditty toAicotipqiny his anituat reports Niith a statement bf all
lie oflcers, corporations or other persons, who make defliult in the returns, herein r.
3. Refolved, That no account shall hereafter he subnittedI to the commhittce of an-
couints, unles it shall have been duly auditedaidreported by the Comptroller.Generid.
4. Resolved, Thait all tlhe contingent accounts of the LowVer Division, acted-upon by
the Legislature, shall be tiled in the Comptroller's office in Couinia.
S. .Resolved, That the Ubmptroller-General be authorized and directed to establish
such a system of book keeping in the Treasitries of the Upper and Lower Divisiodi;
ald to designate such forms of thwir monthly reports as he shall deem iiecessal.
6. Resolved, That the Comptroller.General be directed to accompany his annual re-
ports to the Legislature, with an accurate balance sheet of all specific ij)proprintions
made by the Legislature, with such remarks as ar., necessary to explain the same:
And that he be also directed to report at each Session of the Legislature, for the use
of its committees, balance sheets ofthe several accomits opened in the Treasury or in
his Department, uider each of the following heads, viz: Free Schools, Annuities and
Pensions, Public Iuddiigs, and Internal Improvements.
7. Resolved, That the Treasurers of the Upper and Lower Division be directed,'
from time totime, to furnish the Comptroller.General, with such tianscripts and state.
ments of accouns as he may require.
. 8. Resolved, 'liat the Corrptroller-General be directed, in his annual repqrt of tak-
es collected, to designate the years for which the same may have been colledted.
- Resolved,. That the Hloise do agree to the report. Ordered, That it be sent to the
Senate for concurrence.
By order of the House,                   I. ANDERSON, C. I. R.
Senate, December 19, 1827.
Resolved, That Senate concur. Ordered, To be returned.
In the fouse of Representatives, NMovember 30, 1827.
TIE Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the petition of ,loin H. Walker
and Pharis C. Walker, praying coinpensation for a negro executel, begleave respect.
fully to Report, that they have had the same under coisideration. and recommend that
each be paid the sum of sixty-one dollars twenty cents, and thiat the necessary appro-
priation be made for that purpose.
Resolved, That the House do agree to the report. Ordered, That it be sent to
Senate for concurrence.
By order of the House,                  I, ANDERSON, C. II. R.
Senate, December 7, 1827,
Resolved, That Senate concur. Ordered, To be returned.
In the House of Representa tives, December 3, 1827.
THE Special Committee, to whom were referred the petition of John Geddes, the
communication ofthe Attorney General relative to the suit against Gen. Geddes, and
the report from Senate on the same subject, beg leave to Report, that they have con-
sidered the same, and respectfully recommend that the ComptrollerGeneral be in-
structed to settle, upon just and equitable terms, the claim of Gen. Geddes against the
State for printing, and that the Attorney-General be authorized to dedct the amount
of his account so adjusted,from the jpdgment obtained against him by the State.
They also recommend that the future conduct of the legal proceedings, be, submit-
ted entirely to the discretion of the Attorney-General.
Resolved, That the House do agree to the report. Ordered, That it be sent to the
Senate for concurrence.
By order of the House,                     11. ANDERSON, C. H. It.
Senate, December 8,1827.
Resolved, That Senate concur. Ordered, To bi returned.

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