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Claims petition. 1826 27 (1826)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0187 and id is 1 raw text is: 27

In the Ieer of Ber4watder   Deeaber 2, 186
TlRP Committeof Ways aSit MenIsto Whom was reft the petition of Pete
Vaugist, prayso that his bonds as Shenff of Ilorry district, aml Tax-Cullector of t4,
p.rish of All ianutas mayb'e cancelled, Riport, that they havie considered the smle
ak.l recQnsondIthstg4ha part of tIhe prayer thereof which relates to caneltling his
bond is Sheriff, be rejected. The Conmmittee are satlld, however,ftom the vouch.
ers whiciaccompanied the petition, that he aas faithfully discharged sis duties and
settled his accoptarw Tax.collector, they theretlre recioimmd that the Comptroller
Genieral be directed to cancel his bondsi, fur tihe years 1820 and A821, as Tax-Collectol
of All Saints.
Resolved. That the House do agree to the repoit. Ordered, That it be sent to the
Seuate fr concurrenitc..
By order oJtke leuse.                    It. ANDERSON, C. H. R.
Inihe einutr; December 9, 1826,
Resolved, That the Senate concur. Ordered,'to be returned.
By order of the Senate.                    JOB JOHNSTON, C. S.
In the Houne of teRresentative. December 8, 1826.
THE Committee on Claims, to whom has vr'eried ti- petition of J. L. Bovd. pray.
ing compensatmion fMr a sit-gro executed, respectidly Rtepit, that they have alb con-
sidt-red tihe petitioners case, asIl fincd that hie owned a nero man ranted Jesse. who
wAiurharged vith committing a rape on the body of Susannah lihacher ; that the saiM
nAro mnan Jesse was tried for that f Ntice, coIvicted aNd executed-tihat previour to
c**irrying the sentence of the.ouirt that tridal him into l ct, itse said negro was ap
prue4d, areaeably to the. directions of the act t the Legislature, in suchi cahe made
and provided; that the saad Court recommend, tunder one of time provisitns ofian act of
the Lgislature on that .ubject, that te stnn allowed by laiv for vhe execuths of the
sail negro should he divided ats equAl moieties betwecn the petitions r and S'sawnuah
'hjatcher, the permon upion whom the violeit-w atorn:tss lun*I been commist t. Your
Committee, theretihre, recommiiied, ihat .o match of the praver of tfe pet.viaer as it
rg .rds onke halif ofthe sun allowed by law in uch ca.u s, bie gr-nt.ed, to wit : sixtt
doillarvi and seveny*vione centi, and that an:sppropriatiem ftr thait purpose he made.
H,*solved, That the Hlause dii agree to the repurt. (u-dered, Tai it he sent to th.
&iiate 10m Cesiftetence.
fli order fthw llouse,                   I. ANDIISON. C. H. IL
In !he Sentte, Decenber 12, 1826.
Resdiedl. That sruiate do concur. Ordered, That it be returrv-d.
By order o dmnte,                        JOB JoilNSTON, C. S.
In h Hi i   f Representative, Deenber 7, 1820.
TIHE tedtical Coonmitte, tn whit.:..  1 r. t ared lIe petition of Dr. Singleton, beg
kave twIt.port, that theave h.ul the  e u'der considerationand recommewl that
the- prayer thereovf bt-.jranted.
4ierawve., tesvt the iscuuse do agree to the report. Orkred, That it be sent to the
Senate for concuirence.
By order of the House,                  R. ANDERSON, C. I. R.
I the.Senate, December 12, 1826.
Resolved, 'hat Senate do concur. Ortered4 That.it be returned.
By order of Senate,                       JOB JOHNSTON, C. S.
-n the Ihouse of Represenlatiret, December 12, 1826.
THE Committee on Pensions, to whom wasreferred the p-tition of John -Slhaw;
praying for a ptlnsion, respectfidly Iteportthat they have had the same under covisideE
ration, al reconinisvnd to this house that theprayer of tihe petitioner be granted, aid
that tihe said John Shaw, be allowed a, pension.
Resolved. ThaAt'Th  louse do agree ty tIe report. Ordered, That it be sent to the
Senate. for concurrence.
By order. of the House,     .R. ANDERSON, C. H. I.
It, the Senate, December 14, 1926;-
Resolved, Th:-t Senate 1 concur. Ordered, That it be rcturned
By order of Senate,                       JOB JOHNSTON, G         *

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