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An Act to reduce the fees of the Sheriffs for dieting slaves. 1826 38 (1826)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0177 and id is 1 raw text is: IDec. 1826. toad without the said limits, or be taxed, or assessed for
.       a) the saie.
'Thiration of  See. 8. dnd be it further enacted, That this act'shall
this act. .. remain in force for three years'and no longer.
In the Senate House the twentieth day of December, in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentynix, ind in thiq /ifty-
first year of the Indepetulence of the United States of .11merica,
JACOB BON) PON, President of the Senate.
JOHN U. O'NEALL, Speaker of the House of
CHAP. 8.-An ACT to ieduce the fees of the Sheriffs faio dieting
[Sec. 1.] Be it enacted by     the Senate and House of
Ilepresentatives, now met ad silling in General s.s-
sembly, and by the autlhority     y the same, That from
and after the first day of January nexi, the Sheriffs shall
be allowed only eighteen cents per day for dieting slaves
in the several gaols of this state.
In the Senate Io0ise-the twentieth day of December, in the year of ou~r
Lord one thousandeiht hundred and tw'entyi.r, and in the ffty-
fset year of the hubenlutce of th, United ,tate.% qf .Jneira.
JAOn BOND F ON, Pr vident ofthe Senate.
JOHN D. ONEALL, Speaiker of the House of
a . . . epeesetaives.
CHAP. 9.-An ACT to divide Pendleton disticht into two counties.
[Sec. 1.] BE it enrcted by the R!!natr  vl louse of
R1.resentatiyes now lnet and sitting in g   'n rol ./ls-
sembly., and by the athority of ihe same, That the
Pendleton  district of Pendleton he divided into two counties by a
aistrict tube line ctimnmencing at the mouth of Cain creek on Tugaloo
divided,   river, thence to the point wherie eighteen mile creek is
crossed by the road leading from Pendlcto6 court 'house
tooe, thence to the mouth of Goorges creek
on Saluda rirer, and that each of the said counties shall
constitute a jidicial district, the southern of which shall
be called Anderson county and the nqrthgrn Pickens
-    Sec. 2. aind be it further enacted, That Col. J. C.
Commission- Kilpatrick, Major Lewis and Thomas Garvin, be commis-
ers to divide sioners, with the assistance of two surveyors to be by them
the same. selected, to run out and mark the said line.
Sec. 3. .nd be it fiurther enacted, That James Har-
Land to be  rison, R. B. Norris, M. Gambrell,TJ. C. Griffin and William
rurehased  Shirrard be commissioners for Anderson county aforesaid,
or  neic   and Andrew Hamilton, R. H. Briggs, J. C. Kilpatrick,
hudings.   Wm. Beavert and Jabez Jones, be 6ommissioners for Pick-

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