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Claims petition - December 16, 1825 1825 102 (1825)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0175 and id is 1 raw text is: 102
In the Senate, December IC, 1825,
TIE Committee on Claims, to whom was referred it shlItioii directitqi that an
encitir% be nimi( as to tile propriety of iewardintg tle Slave who gave the infurina.
tion wich led ti the detcction of the outlaw h1t', beg I'eavte to lIepoit, TIAt they
ha cIon 7IISiderC tiesaItitne, itund froln t he ifliroation which your colianittee have
been able to obtain, it appears that this outtlaiw 0Joe, was a fellow, who, fron the Ir.-
cministance of his having I urdi'ered Mr. Ford, with some others, together withl a serics
of vi!aily leretofore uIiparalleled in this State, had beCom'e a terror to the inhabitants
in thIat patof the St:te. For the murder of Mr. Ford, the rtwas a revyard of a thou.
sand dollars ofired for the ;ipptrenhic' tIlsion oi' this fellow .1o, and notwitistan.ntg great
extrtionswere mide b1 the citizens gen'erallY, et their effirta proved unavaiing, and
lhad it nlot been for 11hv interfercel, honlest dis Closures, and good mioaagteent afthis
fillow, by the name of Hoval, ( 110 it appears belongs to a Mis. Pervin, (fit Ilichiand
district,) it is entirely uncert:in to whiat extent th mfischitI ndiliI V of ilthis tellow
muight not have gionle. Under those cisctilstances, aid believing it b tite policy of
this St.Le to reward those Slaves who hliIs distinguish tit tsel'es, by way of iniduce-
ment to othCI'S  do so ikewise, %6111, CIomit teCe woiuld thr )11-C ITareren  tiied that
th SUM OfseveI hundred dollrs ihe aplpopriated anld p)aid to Mrs, Ptirinilt, so Soon as
she does m:11ninltit her Slave  oyal ; oil condhtion that she does niaiumit the said
Slow t oal in the course of tittve ears fron the present date.
Resolved, That this I louse do agree to the report. Ordered, That it be sent to the
Hlouse of Retresentatives tor concuirence.
By order' of Senate,                      WM. 1). MARTIN, C. S.
lit the House of Repiesentatives, December 17, 1825.
Resolved, Th'It the Iousc do concur in the report. O'dered, That it be returned.
By order of the house,                    It. ANDERSON, C. I. It.
fin the Senate, December 17, 1825.
RESOLVED, That Barnard -. ee, Henry hard and Williani Mellard. be, and they
arte lteby appointed Cotnissioners to elquire itito tite state of tilhe fluids left by the
lyt willand testiillent ofthe Rev. lichard I.udnin for the edIcat ioln of tile pOor clil-
di en of the parish oh St. Jlmes, Goos' Cretk- to ascertin the amtylount of 1it Ct HIe
and ill what it consist, and to report it at the next Session of the Legisliture.
Ordered, That the resolution be sent to the il'ouse ol' Representatives for con.
By order of the Senate,                    WM. D. MAItTIN, C. S.
In the House of Representatives, Dece'mber 19, 1825.
Resolved, That the House do concur in the resolution. Ordered, ''hat it be re-
By ordet, of the House,                   It. ANDERSON, C. 11. R.
In the Senate, December 13, 1825.
RESOLVED, That the Comptroller General do report to the Legislature at its
next Session, a statement eshibitink the Condition of his department on the 30th Sep-
tvmber, 18264 shewing, on the one side, all the debts due by the State of every na-
ture and kind whatsoever-the particular nature ofthe different items--when contract-
Ci ld for what purpose. Ott the other, all the motney in the Treasury, and available
stock and funds, including tle Bank of the State of South-Carolina, antid claims agallist
the United States-accompanied by such remarks as may be necessary to explain the
Statement, and to shew the trqe condition of the debts of the State, and its means of
Ordered, That the resolution. be sent to the House of Representatives for coil.
By older of Senate,                        WM. D., MARTIN, C. S.
In the House of Relwesentatives, December 14, 1825.
Pesolved, That the House do concur in the foregoing resolution. Ordered, That
the samte be returned to the Senate.
Jorder of she1iousi ,                    R. ANDERSON, C. II. J).

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