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Claims petition - December 4, 1824 1824 83 (1824)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0157 and id is 1 raw text is: it the Senate, Dceniber 17, 1824.
IW~klliAs, the term of olice of James Moliroc, I res nt'rici offhe United States,
*ill cxpire on thie fourth of Mtarch next: And wherea the Patriot's jist and bvst re.
wa: rr *)-tifit services, is tile wratitudone of his county-lk it thereore
Ith'jw'ed, 'That I )is boly, deeplyimpressed with the long, various,meritorious and
itijthitil services of James .linnroe, President ofithe United States, feel it a duty to
irler to hin I he Iomiage of its adimiration, afflection and cteem.
Resolert, That this body do highly  approve of tile truly republican, wise, virtluiis
*ndii siceesslhil administration of Jaines Monroe, ,President of tit- I iited Stat s-
And that on his retircment from oflice, lie will carry with in the warmest wishes of
this Bady for his titnre prosperitv and happiness.
Newhred, That Iris Exclency the Governor be requested to cothmikate these
R1e otii iolln to the President of tie United States.
arde'd ununimoslT, That this Vluse do algree to the foregoing Resohttions.
Ord.ed, Tnat they be silt to the House of' Representatives for cainetrreince.
BjI ord-r of svnate,                       WM. 1). MAltTIN, C. S.
In the THu.,e of Representatives, December 18, 1824.
NeTvh':,d, That the [1ooCE tdo inaiiimouly concur in the Resolution.  Urdered,
That it le returied.
By wrder of the Huise',                  It. ANDERSON, C. 11. It.
In the Senate, December 4, 1824.
THEIF Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the petition of the Barnwell De-
legation, &c. beg leave to eport, that they have carefilly examined the same, and
would respecthilly recolmlend that .Ionathan Jowers and Hiel S. Rieuifield be paid the
:umi of one hundlred dIlhars each, iial thatan appropriation be made accordingly.
Resolved, That this [house do agree to the report. Ordered, That it be sent to the
Hoiue of Representatives for concurrence.
By order of Senate,                       WM. D. MAICIN, C. S,
i the House of Representatives, December 8, 1824.
Rsoh'ed, That the House do concur with the Senate in tile foregoing report. Or-
dered, That it be returned to tile Senate.
Bky ordier oj thelfutsce,                I. ANDERSON, C. II. R.
In the Senate, December 15, 1824.
TiE Committee on Public Buildings, to.whom was referred the petition olfsundry
inhabitants or Chesterfield district, praying the erection ofa new Court-hotse in said
Listrict, respe'thldly Report, that 1hey have hadl the same tiunder consiuderation, and
econlinend that the prayer of the petition be granted, and that the sum of ten thou-
sud dollars le appropriated to build a new Court-house in said district.
Reached, That this Housedo agree to the report. Ordered, That itbe sent to the
bliouie of ltepresentatives for cuncurrence.
.By order of Senate,                       WM. D. MARTIN, C. S.
In the !touse of Representathivs, December 15, 1824.
Reaieiid, That the IHouse(t do concur with the Senate in the foregoing report.  Om
d     Tre, That it be returned to tile Senate.
1 orderof the louse,                      R. ANDERSON, C. 11. R.
In the Senate, Derenber 10, 1824.
THP1,. Committee on clams, to whom was referred the petition of William W. Simp-
Son, Iraying cui tlpensation tor servicesrendered in retaking prisoners who had broken
gal, beg leave to Repol, that they have careidly examined the same, and find that
the petitioner was called ipon by the Sheriffof Lutirens district, to aid in retaking a
prisoner by the nane of' RIodger.S and two negroes who had brkei gaol. Rodgers
was contined for hiorsie stehaliyi, aul lit, two negroes were under sentence of death
1, S

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