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Claims petition - December 16, 1823 1823 119 (1823)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0151 and id is 1 raw text is: iHo
chester court house, two hundred and fifty dollars; Edgefield court house, to bun.
dred dollars; Stunter court house, two hundred dollars; Fairfield, court hous 'and
gaol, three hundred and fifty dollars, if so much of the respectiive sums be' necessary,
Your comimttee have firther been informed by the Superintendent of public build-
ings.that it will be necessy to appropriate additional sums to complete some of the
buildings now under contract; they therefore beg. leave to recommend the following
additional suns to be appropriated, to wit: For York court house, live hundred and'
twenty one dollars; Union gaol, four thousand four hundred and thirty-four.dollars
and fiourteen cents; Lancaster gaol, two thousand dollars. Your committee will ob.
serve here, that the contractors for the two last named buildings, received considera.
ble sums in advance, and afte-rwards one refused to comply with his contract, and the
other absconded; their bonds, however, your connittee have been informed, are
placed in the hands of tihe Solicitor for collection.-Spartanburgh, nine hundred and
fifteen doilars; Charleston gaol, five thousand dollars, and Lexington court house,
seventy-tive dollars: Your comnittee further report, that they have been informed
that eucroacimnents have been iade on the court houle lot in hlichland district; they
therefore submit the proPricty of nakinug an inquiry into the Same.
Resolved, That Seiate do agree to the report. Ordered, That the same be send
to the House of' It.iseaiv tatives for concurrence.
BY oriberf 2'nate,                       W.1. D. MARTIN, C. S.
li the HIouse of RJepreeeitativ.*n, Dec. 18, 1823.
Resolved, That the House do concur in the report. Ordered, That it lie returned
to the SeLate.
By order of the House,                        It. ANDEIISON, C. 1f. R.
An the Senate, lecember 16, 1823.
THE comimittet' on chlim;, to whom, was referred the petiticu ofAbralhon Bland-
ing, praying coipelsation for servic pipe to water state house and goAl, beg leave
to ieportha they l' e xurnined into the merits of the smane, and recommend that
the prayer' thereof lhe granted, und Ilat the suin of' two liiired and :;ixty-thrce dol-
lars thirty-seven and a half cents be appropriatca for that purpose.
Resm;!ved. Tnr.t this House cdo agie to the fbre'gtoing report. Ordcred, That it be
sent to the Houie of epresentLatives fir concurrence.
JJBy order of &nate,                       W   . ). mAIrlTIN, C. S.
In the House of Representatives, Deceinder 20, 1823.
R.1iolved, That tie I House do concur in the rC1rt. Gj,'rdeed, That d it le returned
to the Senate.
Bt/ order of the Boue,                    1R. ANDI''3lSON, C. 1.1. I?.
i the ent', 16/t Derenber, 1823.
I'llE com-mittee on cinims, to whom was refer:Id the petition of lhe City Council
of Charleston, pravin; tha'it cei monice paid for the sipport of cert i n shwves con-
fined in the work huist', for excitilngn inAIrection. &c. lie refibnded then, beg leave
to Report, that they have (eainiiied its colitents, from whichi it appears that there were
a munber of slaves received into the wt ork homous in tlt: city of Charleston for an at-
tempt to excite insurrection, and for oiher ofec s   tailte State; that fur their
support and mainlieonec they have ex:penllded the ml of fouir l hunirert and fiftv-fivci
dollars ninety-two and a halfeent;, an ccount of whicii is unaeved to their memorial,
and that they have ii been remini iate d by the stat for the s:nnue. Your committee,
beinog un ider the i ipression that their cainil are jOt, would rcelectfiillyv recommend
that their prayc r be gralnted, aid the sui of foi iim h iudred an illiyive dollars ninety-
Two and a half cents be set apart inl the aipopriarlton bill for tlhat purpose.
Reolved, That Senate do ag'ee to the redport. Or'dered, Tlmhat the same be sent
to the House of Representatives for their concurrence.
igu ow Of Yenate,                          W  . 1) AlAlTIN, C. S.
In the Ho  of  epresentatives, Decend*r 1%, 1823.
Revolved, That the fouise do concur in fte report. Ordred, Tat the sat be re-
turned to the Senatc..
.i1y orde'r afthe fIlouse,                   T. ANDRSON, C. II. R.

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