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Claims petition - December 19, 1823 1823 114 (1823)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0149 and id is 1 raw text is: for the behefit of tile state, as soon As due, and publio.notice can be given of said sale,
That they also find that tlheic is abalance due this state, the amount of which cannat
ndVbede finately. nscertained, whiclt amount has not been so youched as to have beeti
received or recognized by the departnilt of war. That previously to )eecinbr
lIst, there had been receivcd f the debt due'thir state, one hinidred ains fifty-five
thousand dotulL's, and that the additional sum offorty thousand dollars, (0$40,000,) was
then recognized by said departniCt, and wa  exjpected trbe paid into the 'treasury
ofthis state within a few days after, but which your committee are infuited had not
as yet been paid.
That from a consideration of the whole case, your committee bc', leive to recom-
mend the adoptimn of the following resolution, viz
Resolved, That the Quarter-inaster general be requested to ailvertie and sell such
munitions of wir purchased by this state as may be n a sitate of' dilapidation, as afore-
said, and :idso stuch as linty be useless to lii; suate, tojgether' with the lai;d aid bar-
racks referred to in this report, in such pancels and lot.. as riy be mona.dvani ageous
to said state aid for the bentlit o  Wiie same; and that Charles .1. Stednan, the for-
mer agent, be recquested to establish by voucher's ani.d proofs, so fir as le minay he able,
the balance dile h the United St:tes to this at:e, before rc erred to, and that 'or the
purpose of cautsin'g the same to be recognized by the wur department, lie be authori-
zed to correspond wit h the sine, and to do  sch other acts as may he necry:.iv for
finally adjistint' the claims of' this, against I le United SlaIes. And that the said
agent be aut horizcl- to apply to Congress, if he shall dcci it necessary, in behalf of'
tie state of Southi-(CaLraluna, to obisin a law for the settlement of the accounts of said
stale against the United States, upon erlmitable and casonable grounds; and that lie
do report fully to the next legi;slature, his actingl and doings in the preises.
Resolved, 'lhat this House do agree to the report, Ordered, That it be seit to the
House of Repr'sentatives for concurrence.
.11y order of Senate,                        WM. D. MAURIN, C. S.
In the Iouise oJ'Reprmes'entatives, Decend;e' 20, 1H2.
Resolved, That the House do concur in the report. Ordered, 'That it be irtinned
to the Senate.
1By order of the House,                     R. ANDERSON, C. II. R.
In the enate, 5th Dcember, 182.
THlE military comrmttee, to whom was ref-errcd the pet ition of su ndry inhabitants
of the ipper pirt of St. Johii's larish. Berkle', complosing the seconid company, se-
cond hat tdin, 19t hgim'ient, pri'n g for ith eevrl of' their muster grounud, beg
leve to Iteport, that they have had the patition under their c        wthI a
map of the parish, and thi nk it reasonable that the mouster grpind should be removed
to Brown's havern. The conuittee therefore respetfully reconnnend that the pray-
er ther'of bI. ranted.
Reo.'Ced, T'hlat this H [ouse do agree to the report. Ordered, That it he sent to the
HouSe Of R'pre'Aitntatiees for concurrence.
By o'de, oj 'Seate,                         V AT. D. MAIRTIN, C. S.
.TI the House of Re'esentaives,.Deember 10, 1823.
Resolved, That the House do concur in the report. Ordered, That it be returned
to the Senate.
By order of the House,                      R. ANDERSON, C. H. R.
In the &en1te, Decembe, 19, 1823.
THE committee on claims, to whom was referred the petition of James Boyd, pray-
ing payment ibr a negro executed, beg kave to Re port, that they have care'nlhy exam-
ined the same with its accompanying documents, and find that the petitioner sold a
negro to a Mr. Alexander Wilkinson; that shortly thereafter the said Wilkinson be-
caine dissatisied, and~thc negro was, by arbitration thrown back on the petitioner,
ibout which time the sait negro was tried, convicted and executed for burglary.-

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