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Report of the Committee on Public Buildings. 1823 86 (1823)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0145 and id is 1 raw text is: .865
In t!.e Houswe of Represaentatives, Ileernnber 11, 1828.
 THE judiciary committee, to whom was refeirrvi the report of the Attorney-gener.
a], on tli subject f WVilson Nesbit.'H colrac, ikeport, tlaw tey have cinsidered tihe
suIbject, anld reconuineid the adoption of tie filowingi reisolutioln:
Revived, That tie Attorney-geeiiral be ir4cted to luppi to Mrs. Elizabeth Car'
Son,*idiinistratrix of .faiine;s 'arUnniirl, f.r hlie cotracts orarl .hofl agree ment entered
into din'ing the late war, by Wikioi :vbitt, for the supply of caninion balls, for the
use of the u ide, ad an for ti voiciiers for Mnonies: pad thi said .. Ne bitt by tile
said James Car.,on, deed, ir amount of smid contract and in case the said FlIizabeth
Carsoi should neglect or refh.ue o . li over said papers 'nmsedi ately, that he, the
iaid Attoriney-getural, (o file a hill, or take 4uch other lIgal steps as he may deen
necessary to come wi     produev !a:d l racs an11d ouichers; and that be do car-
ry into eil'ect the resolution o Dceuiber last, rhainig to s:d Wilson Nesbitt's con-
Restilved, That the House do agree to the report, Ordered, That it be sent to the
Senate for concurrence.
By order of thliluvee,                     I. ANDEllSON, C. H. RI.
it the Senate, 13.th11 December, 11823.
46Resolved, That this l Ioaiwc do concur in the report. Ordered, 'Tuat it be returned
to the Iflouic of Represeintatives.
B6y order of Senatc,                         W.M. I). MARTIN, C. S.
In ?th Hosre .f Representutrves, Dec. 20, 1823.-
'TIE committPe on public hoi1dings to vhote was etrsed r luisitioii of John L.
Hiutr, Report, that they have tald n he inito their consde Lration, and recoin-
meta that. the fiollowing1' rsobiton lbe adopted
Resolved, That he Cold jail at back:onorugh be vested in the  'ollowing trustees,
for the purpose of .m jaking a ph.c. of coidificLmet For pcopile of culour for said ais-
trict: Frederick C. Wsitsell, Johis 0-;wal!. .  . Oil, Cross '..y s  Prederkv-h Fra-
ser .id john Walkinlgtoi, an ihcy are Ie rbIy ipweired to intiLe such rules and
regulatons.Au maly he iecessary f' the goverment of the same.
, 1esolved, That t  osie do agree to the report. 'Ordered, That the same be
sent to Senate for coicurreiev.
By order ofthe Senate,   .                  1R. ANDVIRSON, C. II. I.
fi the Senatle, 2 ,th iee'hber, Ic'23.
Resolved, That Senate do concur in the report. 0 dered, That it be rurned to
the House of tepresentatives,
By order o8 :nate,                              WM. D. MAIN, C. S.
In the House of IJeprscentatives, Decembier 20, 1823.
THE committee on claims, to wbom  as ref'erred the pet.tion ofDanliel Faust, pray-
ing payment .for printing, have had the .same inder consi(derut;on, ait beg leave to
recommend that the prayer the*vof lhe granted to the aIount of.$ 171 77.
Resolved, That the H1ouse do agree to the report. Ordered, That it be sent to the
Senate for concurrence.
By ordeo* of the House,                     R. ANDERSON, C, HI. I!.
In the Senate, Decenber 20, 1923.
Resolved, That the Senate do concur ini the report. Ordered, That the same be re-
turned to the House of Representativca.
.ByU order of Senate,                        WM. D. MARTIN, C. S.
In the ouse qf Representatives, Decemiber 19th, 1823.
THE committee on accounts, to whon % is referred the continigm ill accounts against
the Lower division ofthe Treasury, beg leave to Report, that they have examined
the same, inud recommend that they be paid, postponed or rvjected, according ti the
.ollowing schedule :

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