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An Act to authorize the emancipation of a mulatto slave named William, belonging to the estate of Thomas Brown, late of Fairfield district, deceased. 1823 67 (1823)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0144 and id is 1 raw text is: OHAP. 25.-An ACT to absolve the securities of Thomas.D. Single- Dec. 18S.
ton, Sheriff of Williamsburgh district, froimi any further liability.
WHEREAS, Isa'c Matbews,1Villiam Suitrr. 11.
M'Clary, and George W. Scott, the securitI of ThOms
D. Siigleton, Sheriff of Williratsbuirgh, have, by their pe-
tition, prayed the kgisljturte to d)i.h  g  thin irom any
further liability, Ior the acts of the said fhomas D. Sin-
gleton, as .iheriff:
[St:t. 1.] Be it therefoire enarted by the honorable the
Senate and ouse tF.:reventa'i'cs, ::.  met and sitting
in   eeA Avsenibly, and by i/he am, ',oriti r' the 'amne,
That ilhe  ,aidl Isaac M:siv,.ili         c Strs, J. 13. M'-
Clhry, and George V. Scott, bt, tindl fmev are hireby dis-
chargd from any fufore Iilii ity for th; offiial uis at rhe
sai  I hon as D. Sinwton, it never ,t said I huuas ).
Singleton shall lodg'j in th .fik ! d the Treasurer of the
Liwer' division a new bond wiih soilci ent securities, ip-
proved of according to law, fhor the re sidut' of the time,
J for which he has been apphn  d.
Sc. .  4ndbe it fkirther  ena d i the arthority (ifre-
sitd., Th  wIhne%ver the said ih joma', ). SinleLUn shall
have filed in the oflit e of the ;:sj(d Treasutrer t hsCid bond,
it Shall be the duity of the said 'reasuuri to enoIlorste on the
olI bond of the 9aid Singleton :nd his securities, the time
at wrhich the n'&w bond was lodged ; and 'he certificate of
the said Treasurer shall be sulihrient evidence of the time
when the said bond was lodged.
In the Senate Hloise the huentieth day of Dermber. in the Year f our
Lord one thomsand eight Amuired andioi twenty.-hree, nil in t!.'irty-
cighth year qjf the IndePendeur, of the United .tntes l. ftnica.
JACOII IlOND I'ON, President of tihe Senate.
PATHICK NOBLE, Speaker qf' the Hoause of
GITAP. 26.-An ACT to authorize the emancipation of a mulatto slave
nanied William, belonging to the estate of Thomas Brown, late of
Fairfield district, deceased.
WHEREAS, John Irvin, by his petition, has rt pre-
sented to the lkgislature, that Thomas Brown, 1at of Fair-
field district, by his last will and testament, gave to the
sai John Irvin a considerable real and personal estate, on
the condition that he should procure to be emancipated a
mlT t) slave namIeItd William:
[Sec. 1.] Be it therefo;re einactedby the honorable the !en-
ate and House of Repre.enitatives. now met and .ithong in
General As.'.senrbly, and by the t'uthority of the Yam, That
the said John Irvin be, and he is hereby authorized and

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