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An Act to establish certain roads, bridges and ferries. 1823 36 (1823)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0140 and id is 1 raw text is: D1ec 181. CHAf. 15.---An ACT to establish certain rbads, bridges and ferries.,
L..,a''% L.[Sc. 1.]   Be it endrifed by the ''etnate and House of
Repre.ventatives, nr1 met an(d sIttIng 1in IGeneral A,%.nm-
John lies bly, and by the aiuthorui of the sane, That John liates
pangteo t e, and he ihereb~v pernitted to change the road from
toad.      Greenville court house, along the middle firk of th- Stlu-
di to thy Gap, called Gap creek, at the mill of the said
Joinu Bates, in such manner as the commiission rs f the
roads br thit pirt of' Gr-envillie, may approve and direct
e. 2. And be it further enacted by the utthorify afre-
Road to be sail, I hatt stic comniItssione0t'rs uf the roads for Luxitigion
1:611 wit il dsrict, shall cause to he laid out, opened atind kept in re-
district.  paIir, 4 pa'ilic road, from Lexington court house, the ntar-
est and best way towards Oraneburgh ; but nothing here-
in contained shall be CnuStrued to authorize them to open
the said road further than the dividing line between Lvx-
ingt:n and Orangeburgi districts.
Sec. 3. And be it filrther enacted by the authority afore-
Commission. sail, flat William  Pledger, James Forniss and James
 Cookbe, andthy are h rrhy tppointed rmmissionurs to
.onle assess and ,ascettai n the & image done to John S. Thomas,,
to .1n s. by opening a new road through his land and plantation,
Tiufas.   from til new coturt htue' in ?Ml arltborough dlistrict, by ir.
tue of it act passed at the last SessiOn of the legisrlture.
See. 4. And be it fierther enactedbyv the authorit, atre-
Ferrn vested said, That a pulIic. fvrr* ovvr figt r river, at the planta-
n t:i',abeth tion of Elizabeth Lewis 11: Union district, he, and the s:ime
Lei-      is hreby establishel, and vi'tcl in the isaid Elizabeth
Lewis, her brirs and assigns, for the term of fourteen yev:rs,
anid that she be allowed the sane rates of ferriage as are
alhoved by law at David Sims' ferry on the said river.
Sec. 5. Andbe it further enacted by the authority afore-
Commission. vaid, Ti'hat the meetings of the commltnissi oners of' the roads
.  1St. f r St. Matthew's parish sh ill hevrafter he held on the
SbIs pa.
rial. when t> lirs: Mondays in May and November in each and every
mieet.    War.
Sec. 6. And be it further enacted by the authority afore-
Rond, sum- said, That the road in Sumter district, called the canal
ter atriet to .0ad, shall be altered in such manner as the said road has
 been latel laid out by the commissioners of the roads for
Salem county', and that Mason Reams, Redden M'Coy,
Samuel M'B ride, John Bradley, James English and Rob-
ert Mot~row, he, and they are hereby appointed commis-
stoners to continue the said road to its intersection with
the road t Bruinton bridge ; and the said commissioners
be, nd they are hereby authorized to call on the commis-
hioners of the roads for Salem and Claremont counties, to

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