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Report of the Committee on Internal Improvement. 1822 95 (1822)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0134 and id is 1 raw text is: In the 1tere of Peresenitatives, 1k eiber 7. IA22.
FI HE committee of wvys and mca s, to whom     t as r, ferred the p( Jo ioro A.
' Buiksdalesh erifI'f > Unurens distries, praying that the comptroller eeneral be
:     ,tlorized to settle with him for tax exncitions upon o'iitable prilpt'   J/mrt,
That ther have hathe sam  e de oideation a id (inl that the tax-collector otf
Laiurens distriet did issue slindilY, siigle a od dltlile 1: x ee ucutions, and placed lie
same ii the 'lantl oft Alen &faiksdAle, sheril af Laurens,Jor Collect ion. 'Ilu! '1 Ahe
time such exechiitis wet' 'lrde, theicoector dlid inorm he shelrif,?who w' go
ingin oflice, that lie, the cilertor, hid isqlied his dbilule tx ex'eitioiistorl' so
which he believed exceeda ( the. a1ctIl i11,ttble lOx on thte plopert  , ad that the si '-
riff, wag int horized, onl uscelain:ng the r-:0 !mo~unt. to iwceivo Ohw s:me. T ,hatt unidtr
the s inst iictions . ihe sleri did c olkeIt, it nI  Case,, dnIlIe taixr, ITinic7 leSs than
thendantit for wvhich the execitions wre jiiu. 'That th' shetrif has mod a piy-
ment to the tretsury of the riti'i receivei by lio, ig'. ther v .I 'i retrira of the
tax-execitions, leavirg a b:.hoice giibnt him i lie books I I' ilt ire-ury for tho tax.
execiitons at' 1821, for wI hich the commiltt  t t hfnk thy lheri oight tot to IT,. l.
They therefore recoronwod that the colpitroller-geleral do give the sh< ri f1'i credit
for stch halance. under th hi'2url of ritilla hata, nont est, or reduced exciiions.
fbleolved, That th ae toi  do agree to the report. Ordered, That it be siena to the
SeIate for concuritce.
By o rdr f 1h Ithe s  e,                R. ANDEIRSON, C. it. uf.
Tn the S-nate, Dece'nkr 14, 1822.
Resolved, That tle senate do concur in the repoit. Ordotr'd, That it he irtued
to the house if repir-siitives.
By drd1er ofthe Senate,                         1) . U. .11I, C. S.
fin the Senate, Decembe 5, 1322.
T HE cmmittee of clairs, to Nhonm was referied thte petirion of .1. W. Jeanereitt,
l.Reporti hot the petitioner requests paymiient ofthe Siiil lith has been utder he
hecesitv of advariucig for the piupose of having 1he chinloiies of'the gol in George-
toitn (which were blown down in lie lire sormt) rtepair'd mnd put up-that they
have exanind into the merits of Ah  ris,-i, awlerinimend, that the praye' of the
pelitioer, .1. 1. , ieiett, be granted, antd lie be allowed the slot of one hundred
and twentv-five dollars.
Resolved, That this houc do agree to the report. Ordered, That it be sent to the
house of represcititives thr conctirrence.
By or'der (f the Senate,                    W11. 1). MARTIN, C. S.
n th He haute of Renpresentativo 'q, December 17, 1822.
Resolved, That the house doconcur with the senate in the report. Ordered, That
it be returned.
.Z1 order of the Hose,                     R. ANDERSON, C. H. R.
hi the IMouse of Reprlvesentatve, Decewrli, 21. 1822.
T  HF committee on internal improvinet, to womiiin was refit-rd telt anlnual report
of the board oF piubli works, the governo'r's mess:igc, and olthr docum-ents re-
hating to ite general subject of internal irlprovemen, respecfully . Aport, Th  it
coillmon with the rest of this house, and their fellow-citizens at large, thev htave ifelt
a deep interest and anxious solicitude for the success of a s ystivm, which at the tine,
of its adoption, promised so many ind so gir-a public beitef'ts: but which ill in its
whole progress and its present state, has been so fruilfll of m1orifii'ttiont and disap-
pointiient. With these feelings, and under a painhl sons. of responsibility to this
houseand the public, for the correctness of' their views, tie A -have spared ito laboite
in improving the short time attd limited means within their retch, so as to obtain the.
best information, aiid to arrive at the tost correct conclisions oil this subjeOct of per-
Pviding int'eiest. They have examinei the es anild resolutioitts of the ligislattee, and
the reports of the boards of public works fri it the   illeneilit li the ststem to
the present time. They have examined thte botrd of works, and some of the col'
tractors in relation to the  aturie and terms of their contracts, the quality i and exteit
of the works done, or hercatfter to be complet  aned  above all, you cmoimlittee

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