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An Act for the remuneration of Peter, of George, Pencil, and of_________ Scott 1822 57 (1822)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0129 and id is 1 raw text is: CHAP. 24.-An ACT to definc the Roundary Line be- Dec, 182.
vtween /he ety of Charleton and C/iare,,tdi' Neck, and
far othfrpoI]Joses therein metoned.
J1-DE it. enacted bU theSewa/e and House of Rep-
Sec. 1.     resentatives, now MC/  and itlig ill 6eneal
Assembly, a1id by M/e authorityi oJ' th-same, ThJIrIt from and
after the passing of this act, the hounldary line which di-
videsCh)iilCstoIn fron  Charleston Neck, shall he known
Snd designated as follows, any law,        1.ge, or custom to
the colltrary notwithstanding, viz  F  iv feet on Doundn-
iv-street, from the south line of soidl streCt to the north,
all constitute thi breadth of sid street; from the market-
tiquare, the north linc or side of sid st'rett, called liounda-
ry-suets above designated, to fornthe line froin the said
Market ,quare to M eting-street; fr m  thi nce through
the centre of Mecting to Hutson-street ; through the cen-
tIr of Hulitsoni-street to King -street; thri OuIVI the center of
Kine-street to Vinderhorst-street ; through the center of
Vaitlrhorst-strert to St. Philip's-stireet-continIed; through
the center of St. Philips-street to the north side of Boin-
dary-street, as described above ; theice westwardly to the
centre of Cumimin;as crcek; thence by the Ihannel o this
creek to the channel of Ashley river.
S   2e . Be it 'trither enacted, That no claslingof jUris-
diction may arise between the City Council of Charles-
ton, and the commissioners of Challeston Neck, from fu-
gitives fleeing over said line on either side, from justice,
that it shall be b wful for the patrol of the Neck, or the
city guard of Charleston, to put sue mid arrest any slaves
or persons of colour who may tak cr efuge or flee on either
side of said line, as above described.
In the Senate lofse, the twentyfirst day ,f D9ecetmber, in the Year' of
our Lord one tihanti'd eight hundred and htenty-t'oo, atnd in thef/r-
ty-seventh year of the Indepewndece of the United Statep of. merica.
JACOB BOND 'ON, Pireident of th Senate.
PATRICK NOBLE, Sptaeae of th, House
of IejPresentatives.
CHAP. 25.-An ACT /b the remunnciation of Peter, cf
George,, Pencil, nand of - Scott.
W       IERE AS, it is expedient, liberally to reward such
SPersns as have given important information tend-
ilig to the discovery and suppression of a very dangerous
plot, in which many slaves have been lately engaged a-
gainst tle peace and security of this state
Sec. 1. Be it thereore eneiarted bp the S enate and House
f R~presen~tations now 'met and sitting in General Assem

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