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An Act to provide for the compensation of those persons whose slaves have been executed in Charleston, during the summer of eighteen hundred and twenty two, for an attempt to raise an insurrection in this state, and of certain other persons whose slaves have suffered death by the judgment of the law. 1822 38 (1822)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0127 and id is 1 raw text is: Dec. 1822. election shall he decliired taid by the maungers, orw
iniv two or iotre prrsonid shall ha e, an vqu;a nuodinhrrof
votes, it shall be ibe duty qf tl governor ftorhwith to is:
sue writs if lIecutiot) to tht inanagers appijand  to hold
el-ections for such Jistrict, reqairing thein -t hold an elec-
ti )n to fill ,uct vacaIcY; whichcleCtions shall be holden,
coitiutcted, maiaged, and dclared iii' the same manner ae
i5 prvscribe d oIv the ;It hfcrin Ifore recited.
Sec. 3. And be itftirther enacted by th authority afore-
said, Chai whenever any Nacancy shall occurin the olfice
of sheriffin any of the circuit ourt districts in this state,
it.shall he the lduty of the clvrk of the ( ourt of cor moIn
pleas and sessions for such district, forthwith to notifY the
'vyernor of such vacancy ; and it shall be th (lity of the
clhrk to take ipssession of the gival of the said district, and
to take charge of the prisoners confined.therein. and aiso
of all papers which imy be in the sheriff's office, until a
sheriff shail be elected and commissioned for such district.
Sec. 4,. lad be it/frther enacted by the authority (ore-
said, Thit every sherif elected pursuant to the provisions
of.this act, shall continue in ofice for four years from the
day 0o which he shall enter on the duties of his office, and
shall notify the clerk of the said district of the day on
which4he shill so enter upon the duties of his office.
In the Seate tloyide, the twentyfirat day of December, in the year of
otr Lord, one thoteiud eight hundred and twenty-tvo, aId in the
forty-seventh year qf the Indepon'enec of the United Statesqf ./hnerica.
.1ACOB BOND I'ON, President of the Senate.
PATRICK NOIBLE, Speaker of the house of
CH AP. 18.-An ACT to provide for the compensation of
those persons whose slaves have been executedin Charles-
toi, daring the sunnier of eighteen hundred and twenty
two, for an attempt to raise an insurrection in this state,
and of certain other persons whose slaves have suf'ered
death b! the Judgment of the law.
Sec. 1., g) E it enacted by the 17onorable the Senate and
19 Flouse of Representatives, fow met and sit-
ling in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same,
That the owners of the negroes that Were exactited in
ChI rleston, during the summer of the year eighteen hun-
died and twenty-two, for an attenpt to raise an insurrec-
tion in this state, be and they are hereby declared entitled
to receive the sut of one hundred and twenty-two dollars
fort'-four cents, to 'e pnid to them severally and respect-
ively, for every negro that has been xecuted by the course
of law.

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