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An Act to establish a competent force to act as a municipal guard for the protection of the city of Charleston and its vicinity. 1822 9 (1822)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0125 and id is 1 raw text is: 'dmIdptionr before the     dav of        one thousand Dec. 1822:
eight hiindred and forty-two, created by Virtue of an act to  'y'<.
raise spplies for the year 1822, whichl debt is transferable
only by the proprictor or proprietors, or their attornies, in
the books of the treasury in Charleston
----, Treasurer.
Sec. 25. Andbe it frther enacted,'That every certificate ro be con.
of stock issued under this act, shall be countersigned by terbigned.
the comptroller-general for the time being.
Sec. 26. And be itfurther enacted, That the stock to be Ilis stock
issued under the authority of this act, shall not be redeem- not recel,
able by the state before the first day of January, one thou- 'b4nt
sand eight hundred and forty-two ; and the faith of the
state, the capital of the Bank of the State of South-Catroli-
na, and the annual dividends of the said bank, are hereby
solemnly pledged for the payment of the interest, and the
final redemption of the said debts.
Sec. 27. And be it  ir  enacted, T hat the comptrol-. Compirnller:
e             .                  to repor to
Jer-general do, and he is hereby required to report to the the lenA.
kIgislature at their next session, t Imouint of stock which iu  t1
may be issued under this act.                          ofstock sua
In the Senate Iloise, the t-weity:first day of lecember, in the yea qfouir
Lord, one thouvand eight hundred anld truenty-tWO, a17d inl th forty-
svventh year of the Iiidpedeence of the Uited Stales of inerica.
JACOB .BOND 'ON, President of the Senale.
PATRICK NOBLE, Speaker oJ 17ouse of
CH AP. 2.-An ACT to establish a competent force to act
vs a municipal guard for the protection of thbc City of
Charlestion and its vicinity.
Sec. I fl E it enacted by the Senate and House of Re-
B    presentatives, no7v met and sitting in General
Assenbley, and by the authority of the same, That it shall Guard to le
and may be lawful for the board hereinafter named, to en- embodied:
gige a number of men, not exceeding one hundred and
fifty, to be embodied as a municipal guard, whose duty it
shall be to guard and protect the district between the lines
on Charleston Neck, and to the junction of the Meeting
and King-street roads, denominated the cross roads, if ne-
cessary, and the southern extremity of the city, between
Ashly and Cooper rivers, by patrols and sentinels, at all
times of day and night as necessity may require, and shall
furnish any number of men which the police of Charleston,
or the magistrates on Charleston Neck may require, for
the preservation of peace and the public security, in the
same manner as the city guard of Charleston are used to
do, and shall carry into efft ct the laws of the state and thp

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