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An Act to raise Supplies for the Year one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, and for other purposes therein mentioned. 1816 3 (1816)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0095 and id is 1 raw text is: AT
4n ACT to raise Suppies for the Tear one thousand
eight hundred and sixteen and for other purposes
therfin mentioncd.
it enacted y the hqnorable the Senae and House
f Representitives, nowr met and sitting in Gene-
ral Assenibly, and by the autioritU  f the same, That Ta to be
a tax for thp sums and in the manner herein ifer men- raised.
tioned, shall be raised and paid into the pubfic treasu-
ry of this state, and for the use an4 service thereof.
And be it further pnactedby the authority .afo reaid,
That forty-five cents ad valorem on every hundred dol- 45centiad
lars, be paid in specip, paper medium, or i   notes a'
of the incorporated bgnks of tle state of 4outh Ifarolina,
on all lands granted within this stte.
And be i further enacted by the'aufh9rity aforesaid,
That one dollar per head shall be levied upn all slaves Tax on
of all ages amd descriptions, and the sum. of tvo ,dol. slaves, ci-
lars per hea4lupop q11 free pegroes, mulattoes 'and mes. l and
tizoes, except such as haldl le clearly proven to thp col- ultiesan4
lectors, to be incapable from maims or oth rmse, of processic
providing a livelihood, betwen the ages offifteen a  ns..
fifty; and forty-five cents ad valorem, on every hun-
dred dollqrs, of the value pf all lots and lands and build-
ings within any city, town, village oi botoi2gh, and one
dollar per hundred dollar, on all stQck in tmae, fac-
torage, emplpymepts, faculties and profesoiony, (clervy-
men, schQolmsters, schoolmistresses and mechaples
excepted) tQ be Mcertained and rated by tbe, assessors   .
apd collectors throughout the state, according to the
best of their knowledge and information, to be paid in
paper medium, the notes of the banks of the state of
South-Carlin, or specie.
And bp itArtr citactedby the authority aforesaid,
That upon the.ppociple of every syu ,or sums of 41o- Tax a
ney atinterest, the interest of whi.ch is ctually receivtd, money 7t
qey 4n4 apoyp.whappickpriion paypIfor interest, the iIntLrest
gguyrp, agaessQt up~ collectors ad every of them,

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