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An Act to establish certain Roads, Bridges and Ferries therein mentioned. 1815 23 (1815)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0091 and id is 1 raw text is: his property, on the said judgment, as he shall
direct thereon.
In the Senate Hiouse, the thirteenth day of December, im
the Year of our Lord oue thousand cight hundred and
ffteen, and in the fortieth Year of the Thdcjiendence
of the United States of America.
President of the, Senate,*
THOMAS BENNETT, Speaker of the
Bouse of Rep.resedatives.
An ACT to establish cei tain Roads, Bridges and
Ferries therein mentioned.
SBE it enacted by the honorable the Senate and
louse qf Representatives, now met and sit-
ting in general assembly, and by the aithority of'
the same, That John Watts, Thomas Davis, Wil- oad fsm
liam Wilks, Asa Darby and Newman M'Calurm Chester
be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners housen
to lay off a road from Chester court house to Lyle's
ferry on Broad river, which road shall rin as fol-
lows: from Chester court-house along the Pinck-
ney road to John Pinchback'., creek, thence along
the old Pinckney road, between the plantations of
said Pinchback and Thomas Davis, to where it
intersects the present Pinckney road, and froni
thence the nearest and best way to the said Lyle's
ferry; and that all the male inhabitants within two
miles of said road, now bound to woik on public
roads, shall be liable to work on the said road.
Whereas, John Gordon and John Spring, have
purchased the ferry on Cooper river called Cle-
ment's ferry, and the term foi- which the said ferry
was established will shortly expire:
Be it therefore enacted by the authoritY afore-
said, That the said ferry be and the same is hereby Clemente
re-established and vested in the said John G(ordon rerry re-
and John Spring, their heirs and assigns, for the  aulnh.
term of fourteen years, and that the same rates of
toll shall be taken and received thereat a! ar now
allowed by law.

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