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An Act in addition to the Militia laws of this State. 1800 44 (1800)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0039 and id is 1 raw text is: 4A                              Ads.                                (Dec.
An ACT           in addition to the Militia laws of
this State.
rreamble.  W      HEREAS, it is neceffary and proper to alter and amend, in
foame refpeas, the militia laws of this flate:- and whereas alfo, it
is highly neceffary that due fubordination and obedience to orders,
thould .be maintained and eniured in the faid.inilitia:
Be it therefore enafled by the honorable the Senae and the HIufe of
o    Reprefentatives, nozw met and.itting in General Afiambly, and by the au-
ed officers ofthori'y of the famne, That every commifflioned - oflicer of the militia of
toe militia li- this Rate, orany part thereof, who thall be tried for, and found gui!ty
able to be ca-o fdifobeving the lawfil order or orders of his fliperior dflicers, fhill
t.iered.   bc liable therefor, to be cafhiercd by fentence of a court-martial, if the
-famc fhall be approved of, and. the officer brdered to be cafhiered -by
the comiander in chief of this flae.
 When any  -And be it. enafled by the authority afore/aid, That when. any volun-
omnpany of teer- company of caValry thall be reduced -to. lefs' than twenty-four
avaldrytos  men; and when qny volunteer company -of infantry or artillery (hall be
than 24 muen, reduced to lefs than thirty men, uniformed according to law, then, and,
and of inean in every Aitch cafe, the comimiflions of the officers -of fuch troop or con-
try or artille-
ry tos than pany, as the cafe may be, fhall, rcfpeaivcly, ceafe and determine; ui-
3o, coitnbii- lef fuch troop or company, fhall, reffiepively, be compleated with the
Soils to cea(e. nuber of  en aforefaid, within. twelve months after the paling of
this a6t.
Perrom  en-  And be it further cua led, by the arthority qforeffaid, That no pelfan
rolled in a No- liable to do militia duty, who now is, or hereafter .may be enrolled in
Ilitecr  corI-
pany, to give any volunteer troop of, cavalry,. infantry or artillery,, thall be exempt-
6 monh9 na- ed from doing duty in fuch troop or company,- unlels he (hall have giv-
tice  of  their                   .  n i   .    .  -    .  .   -
itemlo a to en fix months preVIOUS nOtlCe, *11 Writing, oF his intention of ICaVin;
*lave it.  fuch troop or company, to the commanding officer thereof, and fhali
.have complied with the other requifitions required by law.
comnmnons   And be it ena cd by the atbority nAforfaid, That the commiffion of
oFcaptains to every captain of any troop of cavalry, or company of artillery or infan-
bc i0d whtry, thall be null and void to all intents and purpofes, who hereafter
fier theircon- fhall rcfu fe- or negicat, for the fIpace of fix months in immediate fuc-
paies for 6 ceffion, to mlter Is troop or company, as the cafe may be.
Ilollths.            mu.rhi ro
. e   And be itfirther eracd ly ibe aiwbority .aforefaid, That the briga.
gCne. t ap.diers general lhall, within their ref'pe~live commands, depute propcr
1oit pcIfaus perfons to collet all fees and penalties which, may be impofed on
to cal Ci
definotient.- uird- r the militia laws (if this flate, and'allowv fiich pecrcent-

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