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An Act respecting Slaves, free Negroes, Mulattoes, and Mestizoes for inforcing [sic] the more punctual performance of Patrol duty, and to impose certain restrictions on the emancipation of Slaves. 1800 36 (1800)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0038 and id is 1 raw text is: 36                               AEs.                           (Dec.
Cenerd ijmme  Be it ena led by the authorily afore/fid, That if any perron or per-
spay bc plead. fons whatroever, thall be fied, ii d, molefled or profccuted for
any matter, caufe or thing, done or executed, or caufed to be done or
executed, by virtue of, or in puifuance of the ,direalions of this a[,
fihall and may plead the general iffue, and give the fpecial inatter in
This ato be  Be.it ena ed ly the authority afore/aid, That this af hall remain-and.
in foircc for continue in force for three years from the paffing thcreof, and till the
Ilirec years.I
e     next meeting and fitting of the general aflIcibly of this fiate thereafter,
-     and no longer.
-In Ihe Senate-Honfe, the tventieth day f December, in the year
of ourLord one thonfand eight hunired, and in the twenty-
fifth- year of the Indepcndence, of the Unitcd Stai  qf
Prefident of the Senate.
Speaker of Ie Houfe of Repre4enIativer.
An ACT         repeFing Slaves, free                 egroes,
Mulattoes, and Mjfizoes, for inforcit               g  the
.         more punbilul performance of .Patrol                duty,
and     to imp§o     certain     rejiritions, on    t/e
emnanciation o/Slaves.
W      HEREAS, the laws heretofore enaaed for the government of
Preamble.  W       flaves, free negroes, mulattoes, and meflizoes, have been
found infuffiicent for the keeping them in due fubordination:
Be it therefore ena ed Iy tbe bon ialkI the Senate and Houfe of Re-
..Afremblies of prefentatives, of lhejiale oj Soulb Carolina, now Mit and fitling in General
thaves or f  AffrembIy, and by the aitbority of the fame, That from  and after the
chrd to be paffing of this law, all affemblies and congregations of flaves, free ne-
unlawful.  groes, ntulattoes, and mcfitizoes, whether compofed of all, or any of
the above defeription of perfons, or of all or any of the above de-
fcribed perfons, and of a proportion of -white perfons, affembled or
met together for the purpofe of mental inlruEtiion, in a confined or fe-

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