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An Act to permit William Telfair and Elizabeth his wife, the Representatives of the late Artemus Elliott Ferguson, and John Moultrie, to bring certain Negro Slaves into this State. 1799 9 (1799)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0032 and id is 1 raw text is: 1-799.)                               A   ts.                             9
Gillon, efquire, in his life time, became bound-by hi-obliga tion in behalf of
the flate, to the late duke of Luxemburgh, which obligation is now in the
hatidsof the Republicof France, as the faid Pietcb Butler,efquire, hath been
infor-ied; fo that the faid Pierce Butler, efq. Cannot vifit Europe or the
faid Republic upon bufinefs, (which he finds he muff be obliged thortly
to vifit the faid Republic upon) without being in danger of being arrefl-
ed on account -of the faid obligation. And in as much as the faid
Pierce Butler, efquire, has not adminiftered on the eftate of the de-
ceafed Commodore Gillon, nor ever had or taken the property, books
or papers of the deceafed 'into his poffeffion:
Be it therfore enaded by the hkonorable the Senate and I oufe of RePre: Pierce gut,
fentatives, now met a ndftting in Gneral Affembly, a id by the authority of jfro a execu -
the fame, That Pierce Butler, efquire, be, and he is hereby releafed torfhiP under
from his executorfhip, to which +e was appointed underithe laft will and late A Gillon.
teftament of the late Alexander Gillon, efquire; and alfo from all the
loffes, liabilities and expences or inconveniencies to whkh he may have
been or hereafter hight become liable or expofed to by law, as executor
,of the laft will and teftament-of the faid Alexander Qillon, efquire,
deceafed, whether the faid liability fhould arife in confequence of any
.public or private tranfaition of the late Alexander Gillon, efquire, in
his life time.
- In the Se-hate-Houfe, the eighteenth day of December, in theyyar of
our Lord one thoufandfeven hundred and ninely-nine, and in
the twenty-fourthyear of the Independence of the United Slates
jof America.
Prfdent of the Senate.
Speaker of the Iloufe of Reprefentatives.
-St ACT to pertntit Wilian Ceftt alth 11fisabeth -bt Wife, tle Rc
prefeitatitt  - of tbe- late Attino Offiott  frgufott; ainb 301t
spoultrie, to. brinig certail fl iges relabe0 into- tio tate.
W  T   HEREAS William Telfair and Elizabeth his wife, did, fome       Preamble.
confiderable time ago, remove from this flate to Exuma.  And
whereas the faid William Telfair and Elizabeth his wife, by their pe-
tition to the legiflature of this flate, prayed for permiffion to bring
certain negro 7flaves, left to the faid Elizabeth by her father, the late
Edmund Bellinger, from the faid Ifland of Exuma:

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