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An Act to raise Supplies, and to make Appropriations, for the Year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven. 1797 114 (1797)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0028 and id is 1 raw text is: x 14                                Ads.                                (DEC.
One oath to try rity of the fame, That from and after the.pa4ing of this at, it fhall be
all cansin the lawfulfor the feveral clerks of the diftria courts, and of ;the county
courts, throughout this flate, 2pd.they are hcreby trequired, to adminifter
but one oath to each juryman in te court of comr.i6n pleas, ito try all
caufes which tiall come before him, for trial, during the fitting of ithe
[n the Senate Houfe the fixteenth day of December, in the year of
our Lord one thoufandjevez,husndr1ed a biety-feven, andp the
tweny -fcond4 yegr of thie Indepedece of the U-nited States of
.Amer ca.
Preident of the Senate.
iSpedker ote Houfe of )eprefetatve.
a, lgon 'f  for  A  ver o'nq  Iotafc    'devem.A4Ae amD
WNIqeu  'even.
B   E t enaded by the honorable the Senate and Houfe of Reprefenta-
A tnx to be ral.  fives, now met and fitting in General 4ffembly, and by the autho-
fed-      rity of the fame, That a tax for the fums, and in the manner hereinafter
mentioned, Thall'he raied and paid nto the public treafury of this flate
for the ufe and fervice thereof.
of oedollarper  dnd be it further eu4e4 by th quthority aforefaid, That the half of
eent.advalorem one dollar per centUtm ad valorem fhall be paid in fpccie or paper medium,
on all lands granted within this flate, under the feveral regulations here-
inafter p.pccfed, that is to fay:
on lands of  Clafs No. x, Shall contain all tide fwamp of the firft quality, not gene-
Clafs No. .  rally affeaed by the falts or freffies, which fhall be rated at twenty-fix
dollars per acre;,._ ll tide fwamp of the feon4 quaity, nQt geArallv af-
feaed by the falts or frefbes, which fliall be rated at eventeen dollars per
acre; all tide fwamp of the third quality, not generally affeted by the
falts or fi-ches, which fhall be rated at eight dollars and one half per acre;
all pine barren land, adjoining fuch fivamps, or contiguous thereto, with
refped to the benefit of water carriage, which fhall be rated at two dol-
lars per acre; all priie inland fwamp, cultivated and uncultivated, which
M)fl)be rated at an averageof thirteen dollars per acre; all inland fwamp
of the fecopd quality, which lail be rated at eight dollars and one half
per firei all inland fMamp of the third quality, which fliall be rated at
four 4ollarsqpcr acrp; pine barren land, adjoiniog or contiguous thereto,

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