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An Act for laying out certain Roads and establishing certain Ferries, and for other purposes therein mentioned. 1795 49 (1795)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0022 and id is 1 raw text is: 179,5.)                             Am.
E it ejalled by the 1zo,*abke eSenate an  Houfe of Ipre/nta      1rye-
tiv~es,.,no  met and fitting ingeneral a'4fembly, and ly tie au-
borif oftkefathei That a public ferry thiall be,. and is hereby eftablithed, on
the Catawba river,, at the  plahtation of Fhiney M'Clenahan,- 6d ' that at the planta-
thefaid ferry thalle, andgisheeby, yeftdain tl faid Finney M'inahan, o
his heirs andlffigOi, for the term of fourteen years: and that it fliall arid Y M'Ce
my be lawfdlfbr the faid Finney M'Cleniahan, his heirs, exeogtors, ad-
tminiflrators, or affigns, t6 take and receive the followIng rates of ferriage,
and n0 other, viz,. for every foot paffenger, four cents; for a led horfe,
four cents; for a man and horfe, feven'cents;.for a waggon and team, fe-
venty  V6 c66-; for any otherfourtwheeled carriagandhorfes,feventy-five
cents; for a chair, or cart, with one horfe, twenty-fivre cents; for each
head of black cattle, hdgs, Theep, or goats, twd ceuts and for each rol-
led hogthead of tobacio twenty-five centg.
And be itfar ihereiaded bythe arithority afrefaid, That a public fer-  A ferry,!
ry hall be, and. is llely  flablified, on the Catawba river at the planta- tawbariverat
tion of George-Wade, and hall be vefted in the faid. George Wade, Is theplantatio
heirs: or affigns' for theterm of fourteeni years, aid that ,he be entitled of George
to the fame rates 6f T;erriage, as is allowed by lIw, at M'Clenahan's ferry,
on the faid river, and be obliged to perform the fame duties, and be lia-
ble to the fathe enaltks, as are eftablifhed for, and concerning other fer-
ries onr the faidriver; and that no ferry fliall be eftablifbed within four
miles'of thefaid ferry.
Aid be it further eneaitld by the authority forefaid, That a public fer-  Ferry ovet
ry thall be eftablifhed on the Wateree river, at the plantation of Henry river at the
Rugely, and thall be vefted in the faid Henry Rugely, for, the term of plantation or,
fourteen years, ,nd that he be entitled to the fIime rates of ferriage, as are-enryRuge-
bylaw allowed 't John Michael's ferry; on the faid river; and that he be l'
obliged to pertorii the fame duties, and be liable to the fame penalties, as
are by law eftablifhed for, and, concerning, other ferries, on the faime
And be it further enaedled by the-authority afore/jaid, That apublicroad  A public
fhallbe laid out, to run from Grindol's fhoals, on Pacolet river, by Alex-
ander M'Beth'sItore, inUnion village, fo as to crofs Tiger river, near lhoalstocrofi
the mouth of Cain creek, and tolinterfet the Charleftoi rdad,. at or near Tyger river.
Alexander Bookter's bridge, on Enoree river, and that John Savage, Jo-
felh M'Junkin, and William 9harpe, be, and they are.hereby appointed
commiffioners for laying ouf the faid road.
And be it firther enadted by the authority aforefaid, That apublic fer-  A terry
ry fhall be, and is hereby eftablifhed, on Edifko river, at a place known by ver Edifto ri-
the name of Rutledge's oldferry, being the property of Charles Dewitt,  mrat
9  -  yCharles D~w-
and fliallbe. veftedin the faid Charles Dewitt, his heirs, and afligns, for
the term of -fourteen years; and that it thall and may be lawful for the
faid Charles Dewitt, his heirs, exectitors, adminiftrators, and aligns, to
,4ke id receive the followin~g i~tps and no otherv; for every foot paenger,

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