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An Act to empower Commissioners, therein named, to cut, sink, and keep in repair, Drains, and Water Passages, in Cawcaw Swamp, in Saint Paul's Parish. 1795 22 (1795)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0021 and id is 1 raw text is: 22



Penalties And be it firther enacled, That if any perfon thall wilfully deftroy, or
onperfonsin- injure, any of the caufeways or bridges, on fich road, or do any other
juring the
caufeways or injiny to the fame, he, flie, or they, fo olfending, fhall pay to the faid Alex-
bridges.  ander B. Stark, treble damages, and fuffer fix months imprifonment,
after being-convifted thercof.
In the Senate Houke, the 12th day ofDecember, in the year of our
Lord one thoufandfeven hundred and ninety-five, and in the
twentieth year of the Independence of the United States of
Prejident of the Senate,
Speaker ofthe Houfe of Reprefentativer.
HEREAS the feveral laws, heretofore paffed, for finking drains
raland water paffages in Cawcaw fwamp, have not proved effeftual
for the purpofes thereby intended.
Be it therefore enaaed by the honorable the Senate and Houfe of Repre-
fentatives, now metandfitting in general afembly, and by the authority
Commiffli- ofthejfame, That John Wilfon, doftor James Hartley, Jofeph Farr, John
oners named Boyle, Doaor Meyler, Thomas Roper, and William Walhington, efquires,
&e         hall be, and they are hereby appointed, commiflioners for, and they, or
a majority of them, or of their fucceffors, are hereby authorifed and em-.
powered, within fuch time as they may think moft convenient, to lay out,
cut, fink, maintain, and keep in repair, and to agree, or contract, for
laying out, cutting, findng, and keeping in repair, either in part, or in the
whole, Rich one or more free drains, or canals, and in fhch places, courfes,
and diretions, and of fhch length, depth, width, and extent, and in fuch
manner, way, and form, as they, or a majority of them, or of their fuc-
ceffors, may deem mofi advifable, or advantageous, fb as to carry off the
waters, and be navigable from the caufeway, at Drayton's cowpen, on one
branch of the faid fwamp, and from the plantation of the honorable gene-
ral William  Wafhington, called Bull's, on the other branch of the faid
fwanp, into Wallace's-creek.

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