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An Act for raising Supplies for the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four. 1794 3 (1794.12)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0017 and id is 1 raw text is: W IEREAS, we the reprefentatives of the free and indepen- Preamble.
dent State of South-Carolina, in . general affembly met,
have thought it expedient and neceffary, that a tax, for the fums
alnd in the manner herein mentioned, thould be affeffed, raifed, and
paid into the public treafury of this flate, for the ufe and fervice
Be it therefore enafled by ibe honorable the fenate, and the boufe of
reprefentatives- now met and fitting in general affembly, and by the autho-
rity of the fame, That the fum of ten thillings per centum ad valorem,  Ten thillings on
on every hundred pounds, to be paid in fpecie, or paper. medium, hand ad valorem.
thall be, _and is hereby impofed on all lands granted within the flate,
and in the manner, and under the-feveral regulations, herein after fet
forth and expreffed, that is to ay
No. i. All tide fwamp, tiot.generally affeaed by the faltsor frefhes,
of the firfi quality, thall be 'rted at fix pounds per acre ; of the fecond
quality at four pounds per acdg; of the third quality at two pounds per
acre. All-pine barren land adjoining fuch fwanips, or contiguous there-
to, with refped to the benefit of water carriage, at ten thillings per
icre : all prime inland fwamp, cultivated and uncultivated, at an ave-
rage of three pounds per acre: fecond quality at two pounds per
acre; third quality do. one pound per acre:-Pine barren land, adjoin-
ing or contiguous thereto, at five .fbilings' per acre. Salt marfh, or
inland fwamp; clearly proved to the affeffors, to be incapable of im-
mediate cultivation, five fhillings per acre.
No. z. Hligh river fwamps, or low grounds, cultivated and uncul-
tivated, including fuch as are commonly called fecond low grounds,
lyingrabove the flowing of the tides, and as high up the country as
Snow-hill, on Savannah river, the fork of. Broad and Saluda rivers,
on the Congaree, Graves's'fordon the 'Waterpe, and the boundary
line on Pedee-The firft quality, at, three pou  s per acre; the fe-
condquality, at two pounds per acre; the third q  lity, at one pound.
per, acre, except fuch as lie to low, as to be clearl proved. to the af-
feffors, to be incapable of immediate cultivation,  hich thall be af-
feffed at.five fbillings per acre.
No. 3. All high river fwamp, or low grounds, lying above Snow-
bill, the fork of Broad and Saluda rivers, Graves's ford, and the old
Indian boundary line, fifteen Thillings per acre.
No..4.  All high-lands, without the limits of St. Philips and St.
Michael's pariffbes, on John'sifland, Jamesifland, and on the main,
within twenty miles of Charleffon, at one pound.per acre,
No. 5. All lands on the fea-iflands, Slann's ifland -inluded, or
lying on, or contiguous to the fea thore, ufually cultivated, or capa-
ble of cultivation, in corn or indigo, not within the limits prefcribed
in clafs No. 4, one pound per, acre.
No. 6. All oak and hickory high lands, lying below Snow-hill,
the fork of Broad and Saluda rivers, Graves's ford, or the new boun ary
line on Pedee, and not included in the limits or defcription of the two
precedingclafes, No4 and 5, at fifteen fhillings per acrQ.

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