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An Act to close the land office for and during the term of four years under certain limitations, and for other purposes therein mentioned. 1794 7 (1794.4)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0016 and id is 1 raw text is: 17
tnifiior'df his excellency the governotir, or any ii~utenant colonel or commanding officer of any Members of'aill
reimrnent, or to be hereafter raifed, thall be refpe'ivily liable to all the fines and forfeitures impofed uniform compa
by law on the offiers or privates in any regimental or company beat; and that when any perfoi now nief h'bject to
nitually enrolled. or that hereafter (hail be enrolled in any fuch company, (hall be defirous to quit theall lies, &c.
fame, he (hall be obliged to give at leall thirty days notice of fuch intention. and (hall be oblized impofed by law
alfo to enrolhimfelfin the company beat iniwhich he refides or in fome other company of the artillery,  Thirty days
infantry er cav'lry of the regiment to which he belongs, aRd produce a certificate thereof from the any membcr'sre
captain or officer commanding fach heat or company, before he fhall be permitted to leave the fignaroriand to
uniform .comparny or corps to wlich he belonged, or be excufed from  duty therein,          enrol himfeff in
And whereas the fafety of the city of Charlefton requires the calling forth at certain times and the  company
feafons, one or more companies of the militia of the faid city:.Be it therefore ena&ed by the authority beat.
at refaid, that it (hall and may be lawful for the goveriour or commander ini chief for the time being, Governomior
or the major general of the divilion, or brigadier of the brigade in which Charleften is comprehended, chief m, funa
or the commanding oficer of the Charlelton regiment for the time being'to call forth when ne.effarry, 'mon fuch coin
fuch and fo many companies or detachnerits of companies to mount guard in the faid.city, as to them pany as he may
refpedively thall appear neceffary and proper:; Provided, that no guard (hall be obliged to continue thirnk proper, to
on duty at any one time, except in cafes of a&ual alarm. more than twenty four hours on one guard  mount gu.iid.
and every perfon duly fummoned to turn out on any fuch guard, who (hall not obey, or who (hall  Provifo;. not
leave his guard or otherwife milbehave, (hall be liable to pay the fame fines and forfeitures as fuchtiIvo cUe on
perfon would be obiged to pay for default of duty by nonattend n  oi n3imilbehaviour at any battalion24 he ui  l
or regimental nufter by virtue of this ad.                                               n car. o fan
And beit ftirther enaaed by the authiority aforefaid, that'every commifloned o~cer, who at the i :mvi 'armn
original organizationofthe militia igreeable to this a& (hall be appointed in purfuan'ce Of the fame  Onc as f dr-
and accept1 his cmmffilion, thalibe furhithed at the expence of this ftate ivith a copy of this law. the  ifiwd a  ex
a of congiefs to provkie for the national defence and eflablifh an uniform militia throughout the pence of the
IL~tcwi I;CoDv
United States, l3aron Steuben's miitary diftipli e, and the articles of war, all boun together in a  rvii 0C, the
(fmallconvenient pocket volume ; and that the fenior major general, cle6ted in p IurIance of this zai, ct of can OI ,
inhereby authorifed and empowered to contraa fur procuring the fame on the belt and chcapedt b.,den Steuben's
di~V  difci
terms.                                                                                       mla      ic
And be it further ena6ted by the authority aforefaid, that if any perfon or perfons whofoever (hall plir . an :he
be fued, impleaded, molefied or proleuted for any matter, caulfe'or thing done, or executed or  A  f vn
cauf-d to be done or executed by virtue of or in purfuance of this a&, and all and every purfon or dimuir d upitnift
pDfons who (hall or may by the command, or in aid or affiflance of any peifon, who (ball do or any  vfon on
execu-, or caule to be done or executed any matter or thing by virtue of or in parluance of the account h- .of
direaion of this a&, fliall and may plead the general iffue, and give this ad and tile fpecial matrer in 1hall pielA ge
cvidence: and in cafe the plaintiff (hall fuffer a difoontinuance, enter a noli proftqni, fiffr ra noriftut, Deral iffle and
or if a verdift or judgement (hall pafs againifhim, lie (hall pay to every defendant that (hall be ac- gi C:his act in
quitted, or for whomjudgement (hall pafs, his full double coils of fuit.                   evidenIcfor
And be it ltrther enaftzd by the authority a orefaid,. that all laws heretofore enaled in this flate, mer militia act
refpeding the mitia, thah be and the fame are hereby rcpcaled, except fuch laws or parts'of laws as except &C4
:elped the Chariefton battalion of artillery.
In the nie hfou/. May the tenth,. Anno Domini one thoufand feven hundred and
ni;ety four, and in the etghieenth year of the independence of the United Statey of
DAVID      RAM    SAY, Preftdent of the Senate,
JACOB      READ, Speaker of the Houfe oJ Reprefentatives.
To clofe the land affce jor and during the term of tour yearg, under certain linitaidons,
andjor other purpof- theren mentioned.
HEREAS a fpirit of fpeculation and land jobbing,hath gone forth and ma
ny   perfons,   greedy of gain have embarked in         fuch fchemes, and      have Preamble
obtained and fill contirinue to obtain larg- and exceffive grants 'of land, with-
out any regard to    their being   granted, and even       fettled  and without diftin-
guifhiing in the plats the numerous furveys included within the boundaries of-their
Plats and giants, with a view     to  impofe upon,deceive and        cheat,   unwary    fo-
regners by fales' of fuch pretended vacant lands: And whereas, no plan can be
devifed fo effeatually to check and defeat thefe iniquitorts fchemes as to fhut
up the land office, except for g;ants not exceeding five hundred acres, for a
reafonable time:

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