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An Act to organize the Militia throughout the State of South-Carolina in conformity with the act of Congress. 1794 1 (1794.4)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0015 and id is 1 raw text is: AN ACT
To  Organize      tihi  Militia     throughout the         State    of   South-(Carohna,
tu conformity      with the a l of     congress.
H          it is neceffary to organize the militia offthis flate in conformty with the a&  of
congress,In that cnfe made and provided: Be it Iherfore enaded by' the honourable the Preamble
fnate and buk of reprentatives now met and titing in general affembly, and by the authority  of
the Lame, that from and :mmediately after the paffing of this a&, the whole of this flate fhall.be divi.
into two diviflons, and to each divifion there (hall be a major gencral, one of which divifions, The flate divid.
thlall comprehend the ditrias of Charlelton,7Georgetown, Beaufort, Chcraw, Camden and Orange- ed into divifi.
bargh, except the Dutch Fork between   Saluda and I road    rivers ;  and the ',ther thall corn- ons, o each of
prehend aand  ehak the diltr s of Ninety-Six, induding the Dutch Fork betweth Saluda and Broad  shh fliall be
riveF, Walungtton and Pinckney ; and in the firft diviflle there (hall be five brigades, one for Charle- a major gencial
Plon diftrift, e cept Colleton county regiment ; one for Beaufort and Orangeburgh, including Col.
leton county rcgiment ; one for Georgetown, one for Cheraws, and one for Camden diltria ; in the     . a
fecol devifion there fhall he four brigad g, one for Abbeville and Edgefield counties ; one foirLaurens h fiad.
and Newbury cournties, including the Dutch Fork ; one fir Wa'hington difiri, and one for Pinck.
n y dirict ; and that as flion as the governour or commander in chief of thia fRate (hall be fihformed of
the organization and arra ggement of the militia regiments of thia flate attrecable to the provifions made  Fo
bytlsaft, he be and is hereby authorifed and required to iffle his.proclarnation notifying  the  fame. feconnth.
from and iuniceately after which the miuitia conmifflons of all fuch perfbus is (hall not he re-'kicved  Conifflions.
vrd conirmed in the ank and grade they inay hold under the laws of this flate, fhall be vacated ; but vacated.
tint every perfon who flitil be i e-cleaed and coafirmed in fuchcommif!ion as he holds Ii the militia Officens reelect.
of this flate, flull reta*n fach comnrmfion and take rank fiom the date thereof.             ed ienin their
And be it fixthe- ena&ed by the authority aforefaid, that the legiflature on the Arftorganization M mons
of the mlit'a of this flate, under this aa, hall choofe by ballot the major generals,brigadier 'gene. cobn
als, and adjutant gcneral; which adjutant general (hall.be of the rank of licterant colonel.  ballot.
Ard he it further enaded by the authority aforefaid, that as fLonl as the feveral brigadier generals btigadestbdi
arc notilied b'- the governour of their eledion, they fball proceed to divide cleir re pedtive brigades v
to regiments, and that after they have made fRch divion, they (hall ppoirt five fit and proper
plrfou i lcacri regiment, whofe duty at (hall be to divide the.refpentive regiments into battalions an4'
ceapanies, as nearly as convemiently may be, conformably to the a,  of congress.
And be it further enated by the authority aforefaid, that as foo- as the refpeaive regiments,  Renfal
battalions and companis, are visrked off and deli nited, the brigadier general of each diftri t Iref. emmullet r atcd
petivdy, fhurll uidaregiment:dmuler, as wefllofthof mcniliableto do duty in time of alarm as at Io' he election
common muft rs,to be held (giving at lealt fifteeii days notice thereof) at the molt central part of the of a ieuLendfn
reg mental difarict, for the eledion of a lieutenant colonel and two majors, and :fhall appoint pr per colonel and a
panfos to open and hold  a poll from the hours of nine o'clock in the morning to five o'clock in majon.
the afternoon) for the election of the faid officers refpectively, and that the perfons having the greateft
number of votes for lieutenant colonel, (all be commiflioned as likutenant colonel, ani the perfons
having the greatc. number of votes as majors (hall be commiffioned as majors of the refpective reA.i-  Commifftini
*nentv and battalions; and that the faid brigAdier general thall appoint proper perfons in each company, in each.
Pho Phall within five days after the fitid eledion of field officers hold an *CLctionforva captain, lieutenant  Cunpiny to
:ndernlign in each company, in manner aforelaid; and  the  perfon  having the greateft  number holdc lectiofe
ofvotes in each company  fhall be commifflioned as officers thereof, or retain their former commiffl. for pany of
0., as the cafe may be,. accdodrdmng to the grade to which they (halt be feverally ele&ed. Provided ficers.
albways neverthekfs, that wherever there (hall be any company of artillery, cavalry or infantry affoci.
ated unifornied and in cbmmliffon, which on the 20th day of June next (hall confiA of at kaft forty  Uniformed
affeive rank and file,  it (hall be lawful for luch company to meet and vte for theirdificers, and Uonps of. forty
the perfons duly ele&ed by a mnajority of vots, thall retain their commilions, or be commiflioned by men to  ect
the governour, as the cafle may be, to fuch grade as they fhall be refpectiively elected to.  And their officcers,
that all other officers of the Charlefton regiment as well field as battalion officers (hall be elected
by the regiment at large, and no perfon thall be confidered as elected, who (hall not have a majority
Of the votes of the perfons voting: Provided alfo, that the mcn compoling the uniformed companies.
Tali not he entitlcd to vote for the captains lieutenants and enfigns of the other companies, tobe elkct
(dby virtue of this act. -
And be it further ena1ed by the authorty aforefaid, that in cafe of any conItefled  eleaor  the -Contefted elec
vlidity of the fame, (in the eletion of field officers) thall be referred to the briga ier general of the  rred to bhe
brigade, who (hall call to his affiilance two field officers of fome other regiments of his brigadee, hot brigadr t&.
itrelled in the event of the  difpute.  And in the' ele&ton of captains, lieutenants and  enfigno,
1a4ll be referred to the field officers of the regiment to which they belong ; arid all eledons of
Acers made in purfuance of this ac, (ball be returned on oath by the managers to the governour.
And be it further enacted by the anthority  aforefaid, that if any perfon who thall be vleed a
ortder general by virtue of this a&, (hall be without the I'mits of this flate, it fhill be the duty
lthe mapr general of the divifion to do and perform 'the duties enjoined on the thid brigadier ge.
tral, and in cafe of his ficknefs or inability to attend it (hall be lawful for the governour or com.
Mo edecuin chief Ior the time being to commhfloru under his hand and feal, fame fit and proper perfone
to ellcute the duties impofed by this act, fu far as regards the divilion of the brigades and  leian
of oflicers.
And be it, frther ennaed by the authority aforefaid, that all the officers who thall be appdinted
bY -irtue of this act, thall retide within their refpcaive Comma1nds, and on their removal therefrom  AllA ulsorg i

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