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An Act for raising Supplies for the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety two. 1792 4 (1792)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0010 and id is 1 raw text is: And the eleaors when to qualified, (hall convene at the flate hour,
sba  convcn, a in Columbia, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of the day above fpe.
8acuMMa rc*    ecfld -forhe 4IF(on 9f a proliiicat and vic6prdadent, ;o proccod ea
abat bufinels.
I the Senate H4urs, the 3d day of DuInlr, in se year ofear
Lord one tboufijnd feven hundred and nindy.two, and in the
fevenienth year of the Indepenants of she United State, o
DAVID RAMSAY, Pro/dent of ibe Senate.
JACOB READ, Speaker of Sbe Houfe of Reprefensatin.
An ACT for raing Supplies for the year one thou
fand feven bundred and         inety two.
Wet    PEREAS, We, the reprefentatives of the free and indepen*
dent flate of South-Carolina in general alfembly met, have
thought it expedient and necelfary that a tax, for the fums and in he
manner herein mentioned, thould be affTlEd, raifed, and paid into
the public treafury of this Itate, for the ure and fervice thereof:-
BE it t/  fore enalled by tb honorable the fenate and the honoralk
dhe houfe of. 'efentatives, now met and jittiog in generalaftmbly, and
by the authority of the fame, That the fum of ten (billings per ceotum
Ten thinings per 4d valorem, on qvery hundred pounds, to be paid in fpecie, or paper
s    ad vatorcm. ;nedium, (hall be and is hereby impofed on all lands granted within
the (late, and in the manner, and under the feveral reguatin
herein after for forth and expreffed, that is to fay :
Rtes or tide rwamp  No. r0 All ide fwamp, not generally affe~ted by the falts at
and pinc barrcn ad. frelhes, of the firfl quality, thall be rated at fix pounds per acre; of
JaCC1n.        the ferond quality at four pounds per acre; of the third quality at
Inland rwamp and tWO pounds pet acre. All pine barren lands adjoining fuch fwaraps;
pince Lwrn a accat. or contigno6s thereto, wvith refpe& to the benefit of water carniage, at
ten fhillings peracre: All prime inland fwamp,cultivatedand uncultiva.
ted, at an average of three potnds per acre; fecond quality ditto twq
pounds per acre; third quality ditto one pdund per acre: Pine bAr.
ren land adjoining or contigudus thereto, at five (hillings per acre:
t sarth incPe Salt marih or inland fwamp clearly proved to the affeffors to be inca.
ifaVi    pable of iwmediate cutivation, five tbillings per acre.
No. a. High river fwamp orlow grounds, cukivated and unculti.
vated, including fuch as are commonly called fecond low grounds,
lying above the flowing of the tides, and as high up the country as
wih rta boa  Snow Hill on Savannah river, the fork of Broad and Salda rivers,
dares          pn the Congarce,; Graves Ford on the Wateree, and the boundary
line on Podeems-the firft quality at three pounds per acre ; the fecond
quality at two pounds per acre; the third quality at one pound acre;
cept fuch as lie to low as to be clearly proved to the affeffors to bq
incpable of immediate cultryation, which lhall be affelled at five
aceptiohin,   (billings per acres
No4 3'

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