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An Act to alter and amend the law respecting Juries, and to make some additional regulations to the acts for establishing and regulating the Circuit Courts. 1791 9 (1791.12)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0008 and id is 1 raw text is: 9)
4& A CTrto alter aned amend the law re~ffeRing dries,
and to mak fone-additionalregulations to the as or
effabliing and regulating the Circuit Courts.'
W HEREaS, the modeof drawing fpedial juries,'referibed by
the a6 of the general. affernbly of this flate, paffed on the
9thdayofJuly,in theeyaofour Lord t769,basbyexperieiicebeenfound
nadequate to that fair and .impartial adminiftration of juflice which is to
be expeded in every cafe where fpecial juries are drawn, and i has fome
'times0fo happened that fpecial juries have been drawn ent irely. out of
tbe umber of thofe whofe names were given inor deifered to the
court by one of the parties in controverfy; for remedy thereof;
Be it therefore ena7ed by the' hri vrable thefenate and -houfe of rep-e-
fetatives, now met and filling in general afeinbly, and by the authority
of ih. fame, That it (hall and may be lIAwful for the court of com-
mon pales, in the feveral diffrifts throughout the flafe, in ally civil
saion where the value'in difpiute is equal to or exceeds fifty pounds fter-
ling m' ney, or on application 'by either party, plaintiff or defendant,
in any cofe, at his, her or their own expence, or iith the cdnferit.of
both parties ir any acfion, to order a .fpecial jury to be fruck, for the
trial of the faid catfe, at the  Ouert to be holden in the difflct *here
fuch cufe hdl 'be ti iab'e, which (hill be done in the following man-
ner. that is to fay : Fach patty, plaintiff and defendant, thall gire in
or deliver to the other the iaries of any eighteen 'perfons having ihe
lualifications of giand jurors,  hoth he, The or They irould chOofe
for jurors in the cafelconitrovefted, ot of which fif(s each party (hall
'rike out the rianmes of fuch dighi perfons whofe names wrete given in
'by the othe pirty, as he, (he or theytay ch60fe d rejed; Wild out
of the ten perfons remaining ol each lift, 'each party (hall mark or
ranie (uch four perfons on the -lift of' the adverfe party, as he, the or
They may think fit to have fTuamoned as -talefinen; an d ihe i eity
men who thall be chofen for jurymen.aiid talefanen, as before direfed,
fhall be flinmoned, by the theriff of the diffridt in which the 5uk is
to be tried, at leafl fix 'ays, (or any flhorter time, if the partids (hail
confent thereto) before the meeting of the court in tlie iaid dihiad to
attend on the faid court as a fpecial.jury and as talefnen'if occafion
thallirequire; and if all the zwelve men who ihail be fununtioned 'for the
fpecial jury, (hallnot attend at the coturt, and at the tine ' which'
hey thall be fuimioned, then out of the number of thofe who (ha,
be luntoned for talefrnen, and fhall attend.as foch, each party fliall,
out Of the talefmen of the adverfe party, choofe fo many as thall' be
requifite to make irp together with fuch of his, her or their  n fpe-
cial jurymen a3 thall have attended. agreeable to their fa mmons, the
wnber of fix, to the end, that in every caufe tried by a fpecial jury,
each party may have fix jurymen, of his, her or their owin choice
'but if out of the ten men futiioned as fpecial jury and tIlefniri, on
behalf df each party in any caufe, fix men (haIl not appear on behalof 4
both or either' of the parties, then each party fhal1, inflanter give into
the court the names of fo many men, from the vicinity of the court-
houfe, as will make three times the number wanted to make up his,
her or their compliment of fix jurors, who (hall be immediately fiiM.
Moned by the fberiff of the dif'ria, to give their aittendahce; and out
of the number who (hall attend after being fo fummoned, each party
fhall choofe as many as will make up his,.her or th'eir coibiplimnetof iti

Mode of drawing
fpecial jtiriesto he ob-
fcrvcd in futuzes

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