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An Act for raising supplies for the year 1791. 1791 3 (1791.12)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0007 and id is 1 raw text is: ,An ACT for ra/ing fupplics for tbo ear                 .
    , HEREAS we, the reprefentatives of the. free and ildepen-
,      dent (tate of South-Carolina, in general affembly met,, have
thought it expedient and nec.ftry, that ,a tax for the flms and in
manner herein mentioned, fhould be affeffed, railed 'and paid into the
public treafury of this flate, for the ufe and fervice thereof.
Be it tberefore enadFted by the bondrafile ti jenate and the honorable
boufe of reprefentatives, now met anid fitting in gkneratofembly, and by
the authority of'the fame, That the fum of tenifhillings per centum, la
ad valorem on every. hundred pounds,.to be aid is fpecie, or paper
medium, thall be and is hereby impefed on. all lands ranted withinf
this ftate, and in the manner and under the feveral regulatuon herein
after fet forth, and expreffed  that is to fay-
Altide Naf                               '     r   G
 wamp, not generally affied by the falts or freihes of the
firft quality, fhall be rated at fix pounds per acre.
Of the fecond quality,- four pounds per acre.
Of the third quality, two pounds per acre.
All pine barren lands adjoining fuch fwamps, or contigoiius there-
to, with refpect to the benefit of water carriage, at ten fhillings per acre.
All prime inland fwamp, cultivated and uncultivated, at an a verage
of three pounds. per acre.
Second quaiity ditto, two pouinds per acre.
*Thirdnquality ditto. ne pound per ac-rf.

~~J     '
Pine barren lands adjoining or contiguous tlereto, at fi e fhillings
,per acre.
Salt marfh or inland fwampL clearly proved to the affellbri to
incapable of immediate cultivation, five fhillings per acre.
No. II.
I igh river fwamp or low grounds, cultivated and uncultivated,
including fuch as are commoly called fecond low grounds, lying
ibove the flowing of the tides, and as high uip the country.. as Snow.
Bill on Savannah river, thefork of Broad and Salada rivers, on the
Congaree, Graves's Ford on the Wateree, and'the bodndary line on
The firft quality, at three pounds per acre.
The fecond quality, at two pounds per acre.
The thirdlquality, At one pound per acre.
Exeept fich as lie fo low as tobe, clearly proved to the affeffors to
be incapable of iimediate cultivation,, which thall b affeffed at five
fhillings per acre.
No., II.
All high river fvamisp or low grounds, lying at ve Snow-fill the
fork of Boad and Saluda rivers, Graves's Ford and the old Indian
boundary line, fifteen Ihilings per acre.
No. IV.
All high lands *id out the limits of St Philip and St. Michael's
parifhes, on John's ifland, James's ifland, and on the main, withii
twenty nmiles of Charleflon, at one pound per acre.
No. V.
All lands on the feaiflands, Slann's ifland included, oflying'r or
conti guous to the fea thore, ufually cultivated or capable of c ltiva-
tion, in co.n or indigo, not within the tinits. prekribed ii clafs No.
4, one pound per acre.

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3d Clai
4th C WL
th cida.

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