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An Act directing the manner of granting Probates of Wills and Letters of Administration, and for other purposes therein mentioned. 1789 20 (1789.3)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0003 and id is 1 raw text is: .20
or which hath beenalready giveri, deviFed or'bequieathed t3 the fame, by ihateve1r
name ftich' devife or bequeft may have been made.'I
i   e <IV'y And be it jurther enaaed by the alethbity iforefaid, That this a Thaill be deemired
public aa.  and taken as a public adl, and notice fhall be taken thereof in all Courts of juftice
and elftwhere within this flate, and fhall be given.in evidence on the trial of any
iffue or caufe without fpecial pleading.
In the Senate Houfe, the 71h day of March, A. D. 1789, and in the 13th
year of the iidependence of the United States of America.
DANIEL DESAUSSURE, Prefident of the fen ate.
ACOB     READ, Speaker of the houfe of reprefentatives.
A N   A C T  to e'nable Mary Cumming to fell and convey certai lands in the d frifs of
Charleflon and Beayfort.
W     HEREAS Mary Cumming,. by her petition to the legiflaturp of this flate
W    . hath reprefented, that her father, a the time of his death was feized in' fee
of a lot of land in the city of Charlefton, and alfo of atraa of land.ffuate in
Beaufort difiria, near to the town of Beaufort, and being fo feized, died iteftte,
leaving no other iffue than the faid Mary and her two filters, whereby one-third part
of the faid lands defcended to her; and that to provide forher fuiporit, and that of her
child, fhe had agreed to join her fifers in, and had contraled for the fale of the
faidlinds, but that the legality of her title had beeri difputed in confequence of: e
marriage with Andrew Cumming : AND WHEREAS the faid Mary Cumming
hathalfo fet forth, that her faid hulband is a Bitifh fubjeft, that he quitted this flate
with the troops of his Britannic M4jefly, and if ave, ifll abroad'; :and further-
more that he has not afforded any comfortor maineiaince to her or her faid child
fince the evacutionof this city by the Britifh troop', Wherefore the prayed that'fhe
might be authorifed and empowered, by aa of the legiflaiire, to fell and convey all
and finrgular the faid lands to Which'the is entitled as aforefaid;
Privileges.  Be it therefore enaaed by the _honorable the fenate and houfe of 'reprefentatives,
now met and fitting in general affembly, and by the authority of the fame, That it
ihall and may be lawful to and for the faid Mary Cimming to fell apd difpofe of her
part or fhare of the faid lands, and to make and execute good and fufficieric convey-.
ances to the fame, and to give acquitankco and difcharges for the purchafe money
in the fame manner, to all intents aia rpiofes, asif the were fole,; any la,  ufAge
or cuftom to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithflaidimg.
In the Senate Houfe, the 7th dayof March A. D. 1789, and in the 13th
year of the independence of the United States of America.
DANIEL DESAUSSURE, Prefident of the fenate.
JACOB      READ, Speaker of the houfe of reprefentatives.'
AN ACT diretling the manner of granting Probates of  11 and Letters o Admin ra
tion, and for otherpurpofes therein mentioned.
BE i enatled by the honorable the fenate and houle of reprefestatives now met and fitting in
Juluces of general afembly,and by the authority o the fame, That inthe feveral counties through
county courts out this flate, where county courts are ieflablifhed, the juffices thereof thall'hays
haapower in                                                  ufcsthto        alhyf
takin obi and exercife the fame power and',authorities in taking the probate of wilk, and
of wi, and granting letters of adminifration, which have been heretofore' ufed and exercifed
oFadiin  byth e udges   the      s of ordinary of this ftate, and alfo fisch ftrther -power
tion      and authorities as are herein-after particularly mentioned; and in tofcoune
-      where

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