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An Ordinance for the preservation of Deer, to prevent the mischiefs arising from fire-hunting, and setting fire to the woods. 1789 10 (1789.3)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactssc0002 and id is 1 raw text is: [ io 3
Penalty for  XXVIII. And be it furlher end&fid by the authority aorefaid, That if anyr aain Uf
tobacco taken commander of any fhip or other veffel fhall prefume to fail from any port within tbid
not entered & flate for any port not within this fAate after the palling of this act, havini tobacco pri
red,   board, not entered and clered as is lierein before directed, all fuch tobacco fball be
forfeited to the flate, and iall bi feized anrd foli fr the benefit of the faii' ; ai
the captain or commander fball bie fi ied iii the fum df fie pounds fterlink for each
kundred pounds weight, to be recovered and applied as-hercin before directed.
Penalty for  XXIX. And be itfurther enaded by the dthorzty fortfaid, That when tobacc  badl
Ae remoalOf be offered to view at any of the infpections herein before directed, whith thall 6e rt-
Safufed by the infpector as urinierchantable; any perforn dr pefoli removing the flme
befott the baA and un'merclintable is burnt, as is herein before directd, fhall3 iap6
convicticnh forfeit and pay the fum of five pounds fierbs g for evey hiuidred weight
fo carried away, one-half to the infoimbr and the other hlf to th&bute of the itate,
to be rec6vered as is herein before directed.
Penalty o  XX X. And be it further enaidtby Ie authority aife/aid, Thi iwheh tobacc6 thall
hanging to-be delivered by any of the aforefaid infpections for trintportation, and the perfbn to
bacco calks &
when deliver- ivhotn the fame is delivered, or in wlofe care it may be,fhall change the calk 'ni which
ed by ivfpec- it was.delivered, and put other tobacoe therein, or fuffariay part to lie tokeri out,
ti ons for traurT.
portation.  and other tbacco.pu2t in, .not the contents of the cafk ivhenI delivered, the ierfdtr.
or perfons fo offending thall, upon conviction,  ay a fine of fifteen pounds kerli,
and'fufer three months imprifoxiinenlt; ivithout bal r mainprzke:
enalty for  XXXI. And be itfurther enad by the authority ojokefald, That if any perfon  hIdl
aurtcrft  erafe or alter, or counterfeit any note or manifeft of :obacco, gien ybyay iifpectbr
of tobacco,, withimthis flate, or that utter in payment, or barter any ftich note or
manifelt, knowing the fame to be counterfeit, every uch peroii,, i convictiA,
fhall fuffer death.
Conm'rs. te.XXXII. And be it 'further enatted by the adhorit aforejaid, Thjai the &niiffioners
er 'f hds a   refpectively,;flalltradiit an account othe nurnber of hogfieads of tobacco, a it
fpeEcd, &c. the nett weight thereof, infpected at each ware-houfe, and the expences attending
the fame, each and every year, to the comniffioners of di treatry of this flate,
for the infpection of the legiflature.
Intpears  XXX II. And beitfurther enaged by thiautAority oforefaid, That the c6fimilion'erg
ir to be appointed by this act fhall be and they are hereby aiithorifed aid -reqidired to fix the
t hours in which the infpectors hflall attend it the infpection fores; arid the fum of ten
Pcalt)r o (hillings tfhall be and'is hereby impoled on every infpector for every hourthat he fhill
wilfully delay or abfent himfelf from the duties of his office, to e fued for and re-
covered by a fummary procefs before any judge or' juftice of thepeace ii this flate,
to the ufe of the perfon aggrieved.
erae     XXX I        d      turhernad by theauthority afore/aid, .hat all former acts de
lating to the infpection of tobacco, be 'and the fame are hereby repealed.
In the Sena4e Houfe, the i3th day of Marc, A. D. 1789, and' in the 3thyeat
of theindependence of the United Slated of Aierica.
DANIEL DESAUSStrRE, Prefidenlt of the fenate1
-JACOB      READ, Speaker of the            houfe    of reireefntative s.
AN    0 RDI NA NCE for the prefervation of Deer, topreiient the  ifchiefs0 arjrin
frod fire-44nting, and Jelling fire to the woods.
WrE             HEREAS      many idle and dif6rderly perfons have made and do make a
pratfice of hunting with fire in the night time, whereby great numbers of
Deer are tinneceffarily deftroyed, and the cattle and other fock of the good citi-
zensof this flate are frequently injured, for remedy whereof,
I. Be it ordained by the honorable the finale and houfe of reprefintatives, fwo  met atd
Pena' ticsfor fitting in general afembly, and by the authority of the Jame, That any perfon or purfons.
the  ninh in who ihall hereafter hunt with fire int the night time, for every fuch offence halI
forfeit and pay a firm not exceeding two pounds, and for every deer f o killed A
firm not exceeding five' pounds. and for every horfe or head, of meat cattle, or other
flock of any kind, a fan ihot dxceeding ten pounds, which. penalties Tball and
may be recovered before any one juflice of 'the peac6, and    four difintefelled

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