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An Act concerning salaries and fees. 1854-1855 102 (1854)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0271 and id is 1 raw text is: 102

scrit ion ofr wich brand or mark shall he recorded in tho
clerk's oillco of the conties of 1alifax, Northaipton, lior-
tic, Martin and Washington, and  a corlificate thoreofuider
the seal of the county, setting forth the date when recorded,
hlml be taken by el person recording his brand or iark,
vlich ,hall diffeir froin any other inurk or brand previously
Unmarkimt    S.e. 2. 11e it fitewe enacted, That any person may take
timbewr niy be
t-J may be to his OWn IIUse ally log of ton1 tilliber floatill' igly down
said river, which is neitherl marked orbraded; and it' any
peson shill willfully and iraudlently, with intent to steal
the same, alter, detaee or remove any such iark or bran1d,
or shall feloniously take or secrete any log of toll timber,
thus nmarked or hranided, he siall be doned to be guilty of
Inie  to larcoiy, and uilay be indicted theretlor in the county or s11-
perior courtt ofi te county where the offence nay be coim-
mitted or where the timber may be carried, and, upon Col-
viction, shall siller as ii other cases of larceny.
11r.nd firt re-  Six. 3. Be it frther enacted, That in all cases of contro-
n    L wl versy as to the ownerslip oftinber, claimed by two or more
persons having the saie brand or ma1rk, he shall le consid-
oemd the owner where [whoso] brand or nark was first re-
corded in all the said counties.
Siec. 4. Be il fiurther enacted, That this act shall be in
force roim and after thirty days after its passage. [Hati ftd
t1e 10th day q YF ebruary, 1855.]
Cha.~p. 40.          AN Act CONCERNING SALAR:IBS AND FEES.
Be it enacted by the General -Assembly q/ the Sate qf
Aotl.-Ouvolin a, and it is kerehy enacted by the authoittY
qt the same, as. follows :
s*0aries or  1. The ofiers hereinafter namoed shall anniually receive
g -Vo'r jt' f the llowing. salaries, that is: The governor of the State, thri'eo
~iI'   ConI 11,
tIrnIoe,oect'ry thousand d illars, and :io other coipensat ion whatsoover;
rn% compir, each of' the judgos of' the supreme court, two thousand five
. et1o1, r hundred dollar's; tle secrotary of State, hesides his fees,
rnaor III  eight huinred dollars ; the public treasurer, two thousaind
dollas ; the conptriollor, one thousand( dollars, and a fee of
tel cen ts fron the claiiant, thr each certificate mnade and
delivered to the secretary of' State, of m00oney3) paid on enter-
ed laNI; the siperiiteleit of coinimi schools for the
State, liffri hu idied dollars, to be paid out of the literary
fund ; the Iivqate secretary to the governor, three hundred
dollar.,, besides his fees ; aniid the clerk or clerks of the trea-
sury depnrtiment, seven huindred and fifty dollars : all which

1854-'55.-CuIAr. 45-46.

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