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An Act concerning revenue. 1854-1855 71 (1854)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0267 and id is 1 raw text is: 1834-'55.-Ar. 36-37.

in leather. Thero shall also be printed an additional num-
ber of the first vohunb ofjibblic acts, to be stitched, to furn-
ish one copy to every shOrifN, register, county solicitor, and
to each justice of the peace of the several counties of the
State. The printer shall also deliver to the secretary of
State, a sullicient number of public doemunilnts, (including
the governor's message and inaugural, and excluding bills,)
as oither brnch of tie General Assemuibly Inlly order to be
piinted, to flrnish two copics for the State library, two copies
for the executive oflice, ten copies to each of tle libraries of
the Sollate and flolus e of Conunons, o1e 10 t1 e  uiversitv
library, and one to each rnoumhor of the General Assemib ly;
all of wIlieh volumes sh qall be bound and distributed along
with the journals and aets, as direted in tHie provisions of'
this act. 'The secretarv (of State siall record, inl . book kept;
for that purpose, the InamI1es of all the justices of the peace
for the several counties of the State ; and whienever a va-
cancy occurS, it shall le entered thoeroi. and tie clerks of
the several county courts shall, On the third Monday of No-
vemuber, 18,50, anld every two years thereafter, filrnishi the
secretary of State with a correct list of the justices of the
peace of their several counties, and by this list shall the
public laws and journals he distributed.
10. The gOernor, Secretty ofi State, IfeS  P, Coil.)- Other prinling.
troller and4 dlIslt-ge01e0if, IlllV lave lrintel ir their sev-
eral otlines, such blanks and otier necessary )rinting as 1iy
he suitaide and proper, to enable thon to dischlIargo thir
duties; the charges for whi ich printing sIall be reasonable
and just, to be adjudged of and allowed by tie boar comn-
pose of lie governor, secretary of State, treasurer and
11.. Any vacancy occurring in the oflice of public printer, Vancy flld
during thle interval hotwoon the meetings of the General by governor.
Assembly, sh1all be lilled by appointment of the governor.
12. All laws and clauses of laws, coming within the mean- Rtepenang
ing and purview of this act, be, and the sme11  are hereby clau.
repealed ; and this act shall le in force from  and after its
ratification. [Ratijed the 10th day of February, 1855.]
AN ACT CONCERNING REVENITE.              C07Lp. 'T .
See. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State
of JNorth-(arolina, and it i8 hereby enacted by the authority
of th. same, as fedlows
I The following taxes sh1all be annually collected and what  -
paid, by the citizens and other persons, anl by owners of. empted.


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