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An Act to incorporate the Salem and Clemmonsville Plankroad Company. 1854-1855 184 (1854)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0259 and id is 1 raw text is: 1~185*.,0-a5ariatWI 9

Chap. 179. AN A  o aWcoaPoss To BAtaN ArM xaMaNanTr   Phat-
Rody corpor.  Sm. 1. te t               Oa
 of .fortle-Carolin  and it is  enba a.rut
of s earnThat E. Beli,]B. Doutlt A, 1.Whart0oE
.LOleiione,Joseph Cloise, Chritiin aides, A.  . Cooper
and]?. Fi-ie or any three oftheien, with such persons as now
are- i may ereafter be associated with them, their sues-
sors or assigns, are hereby' created a body corporate and pol4
itic, by the name and style of 'the Salem and Clemmons
ville Plankroad Company, and by that name and style may
acqulie, hold, possess and transfer such real, personal and
mixed estates as may be necessary for the purposes of con-
stru6ting the road herein authorized to be made, or of .min-'
aging the affairs of said company, and shall have perpetual
succession,,anid a common seal, which they shall have power
to alter and renew at pleasure, and shall have and enjoy,
and may exercise all the powers, rights, and privileges,
which' other corporate bodies may lawfully do, for the pur-
poses mentioned in this actz and make all such by-laws, rules
and regulations, not inconsistent with the laws of this StAte
or of the United States, as shall be necessary for, the, well
ordering and conducting of the affairs, of the company,;
and by .that name, may sue, and be sued, plead and be impla-
ded, in any' courts of this State.
Capital stock.  SEc. 2. Pe it fiert/ser enackd,, That the capital of said
company shall not exceed one hundred thousand dollars, in
shares'of fifty dollars each, the procurement payment, aid
securing of the stock, to be made under snch rules.apd4.ro
gulations, as may be prescribed by the board of directqre,
hereinafter provided for.          ,.
Gencral meet.  Szo. 8. Be it furthr enated, That a general meeting of,
fa.       the stockholders shall be called, at such time ad place pe
maYb~edeeinef convenient.forthe saine, by  ivigpublio.
notice, posted in Salem and Oleminonsville, an t le  two
other priblic places, in the vicinity of the intend road,;
and to constitute aIny such ineting, anumber ofl shares eil-,
titled toanajority of votes, hih coiad be giveAp0lpo all
the sArisitscribed, sha11beipreent,: either in;peon1or
by proxy, aud if nasu  it 'umber do not attend,941tat9
day, those who do attend shiall have powertp adjoprufrom:,
time to tine, until a neilng bo formed in allranstiOn
in the gneral nmetiigs of thIs coma    each shoro
stockliall be entitled toone.vote, v  ratio sqhaeverito
be changed; the majrt of the stock in this:gena iiveek
ing, yiyit any tim? iangthe mni6 and place Iof loldiug
the general meeting  thi compony.,,_
Ssoalt4.Be it fo.rthiir euicted, That t   seriQsAO fojhe


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