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An Act to prevent the felling of Timber in, or otherwise obtaining the run of Turn Bull creek in Bladen county. 1835 108 (1835)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0172 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA,

Gompleted within the term of three years, from and ofter the first day of Augusj
next, all preference given to the said company shall cease and determine as to the
stream or streams, not made navigable, as by this act directed.
AN ACT to authorike the Trustees of Williams Church in the county of Martin, and their
successors in office, to hold and possess one acre of land on which the sfid.Church issitua-
Be it teuvted by the General Assemb Y of the State of North Carolina, and it
is hereby enacted by the autihority of the sume, Thit William V. Williams, Sen.
Williwby 1). Simmons, Ezekiel Huiphri's, Georgt Cobb, Thomas Pugh,
Solomon P. Williams and Benjamin Watson, be, aid thev ar e hereby ionstitut-
ed trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the couniy of Martin known
by the name ofWilliams Chuich, and that thty, and their succussors in office, be.
and they are hereby made capable in law to h1 'ld, possess aind enjoy on' acre of
land on which the said church is situated, cotiveyed by deed frcm David Williams
to Willian W. Williams. Sell. and by him transferred t- thqe' said trustees, for the
use and benefit of the members ,fthe said chuireh, as a place of I eligions %%orship.
11. Arid be it further enactcd, That it shall be lawful for the members of the
church to fill from time to time, such vacancies as may happen in the board of'
trustees oppointed by this act according to tbe rules of 'des:ipline cstablished for
the government of the Methodist Epicopal Church.
Il. Bo it further enacted, That the General Assambly of North Carolina,
may at any time repeal this act without any proceedings at law. Provided, that
such act of repeal shall nut tke efi ct until twelve months after its ratification.
.&N ACT to alter the timeof holding the eletions iw the countics of Currituck and Camdea.
Be it eniacted by the General Assembly of the St ite of North Carolina, and
it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and afler the
passage of this net, it shall be the duty of the sheriffs and inspectors appointed by
the county courts of Currituck and Camden respectively, to own the polls at
the several places of election in said counies of Currituck and Cai~m,. for mem-
bers.of the Senate and members of the House of Commons in the General As-
sembly of this State, for members of the louse of Representatives of the United
Stats, for sheriffs, clerks of the county and superior courts for the counties of'
Currituck and Camden, on the first Friday in August, in each and every year,
under the same rules, regulations and restrictions as heretofore prescrih d by law.
II. Be it further enacted, That the sheriffs of Currituck and Camden counties
shall meet at the store of Gideon C. Marchant at Indiantown, on the third Thurs-
day in August, to examine anid comnpare the votes polled for tle Senators Llected
to represent the counties of Currituck and Camden, and on the following day,
the sheriflk of Currituck and Camden counties shall attend at their respective
court-houses in Currituck and Camden to compare the polls for other elections
held in 4aid counties.
III. Be it further enacted, That all laws and clauses of laivs cominu within
the meaning and purview of this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed.
AN ACTto prevent the felling of Timber in, or otherwise obtaining the run of Turn Bull
creek in Bladen county.
Br it enacted by the General AssemblY of the State of North. Carolina and it
is hereby enacted by thig.authority of the same, That if any person or persons
shall fell timber in, or otherwise obstruct the run of Turn Bull creek from Mal-
in M'Innis' mill to John Fort's ford on said creek in the county of Bladen, herv

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