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An Act to prevent the felling of timber in or otherwise obstructing the navigation of the North East branch of Cape Fear, between Outlaw's and Kornegay's bridge, in Duplin county. 1833-1834 179 (1833)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0157 and id is 1 raw text is: RtOADS AND S)M93.                           ?
; ty of a misideneanor, antd may be indicted n  til County 'or Supet or Courts
of said county, and on conviction may be fitted atthe dicretio poi the
court, not exceeding fifty dollars fro' oath and eviery ufllence against this
aci: Provided, 1oiiWever, uat nothi og in this act shall be so consti ued as to
,prevent the erection of water fences or mills on baid liver, or to prevent
the owners of land on said. river frionit ciearing the same, if the timber cut
down and felled in said river in clearing such lands be removed within ten
days.                  X
11. .1nd be it further enacted, That if any slave or slaves shall of'end a.
.gainst the provisions of this act, onl conviction before any justice of the
peace in said county, such slave so otlliiding ,;hall receive not exceeding
thirty-nine lashes (in his or her bare back; and the owner of such lave or
slaves shall be liable for all costs.
i:    'CIIA P Eli C,VII.
An net to tI' 'evnt tile fwlihig or tiniller ill Ii othe'wise obstructing the IiivigationI of thie Nort
iist hiljti h ot (o uptu)e Fear, hit  rVei t0l  uto  'b anti Kol'nIuglj 's tiulg ,  ill I) p  in c Itguty.
B  it macted by, the General ,tlssendy o/ the Stale of Norlh Ca'olintt,
aztdit is hereby enacted by th' authoriny of' the same, That if any person
or persl hiM sliall hereaftol fell any ti nber in or otherwise obstruct the nai
'gation of the .1 orth East branch of Cape Fear, between Outlas's and Kor-
neway's bridgwo in the ctmitv of l)uplin, he, she or they so ollendiitg shall
-be deemed guilty (if a misdetea nor, and may be prosecuted in either the
C ounty or Superior Court (if said countv, and on due conviction tihereof,
shall be fined at the discretion of the court; the fine, however, not to ex-
,ceed fifty dollars.
1I. le itjurther enacted, That if any negro slave shall be guilty (f the
said olTence, he, she or they so ol'Tending shall, on comviction thereof before
any justite oif the peace for said county, receive thit tv-nine lashes oii his,
1her or their bare back well laid on, and the owner thereof be liable for all
An net to improve the State road iloun ihe tuank of 'tie 'T'unkaejdi river, it, the vily of Frank-
tit, it) the  (eoigin  lie.
Be it enacted by the General .Issembhy of the State of North Carolina,
and it is hereby, enacted by the authorilY of the same, rhat John Hall,
Niuro'd S. Garrot and William Bryson, be, and they are hereby appointed
commissiorers to review and make such alterations in the St;te road lead-
ing from tile west bank of the Iuc.kasejah river, by the way (f' Franklin, to
the Georgia line; and it shall further'be the duty of said commnissioners to
mark out and take down, in writing, such altratiotmis as they may make,
and return the same to the first court that may happen after the first day of
April next.
II. .6d be it further enacted, Tiat tho justices of fihe Court of Plcae
and Quarter Sessions for the county of Macon, at the court that may hap-
pen first after tile first day of Marrh next, seven justices being' present,
shall appoint three lit and' discreet persons as comnissioners, for tlhe put-
pose of opening books and receiving subscription of stocks to the amount
of two thousand dollars, which s im shall constitute the capital stock (if
tile company hereby incorporated; and it shall be the duty of the commis-
sioners to open books at the town of Franklin, and at such other places as
the court may direct, on the first (lay of April next, fur tile purpose of
receiving subscriptions of stock in said company.

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