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An Act to prevent the hauling of seines or obstructing the passage of fish on certain days in Upper Broad creek, in Craven county. 1833-1834 176 (1833)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0153 and id is 1 raw text is: h 6-    °°      LAWS Mr.NORTH CAR0L INA.
Provided, that nothing herein contained shal 'be so construed ris to lpe.
,ent the owners Of land on'said crcek fin buiIding water fcnces or mills
th' enaeonnor shall .gany person it cur. tthe peIt' herei 'i Prescribed -who
shlall all i timber inor otherwise obsti uct the iun of said creek in clearing
and impr-oving his, her or their lands, provided they shall remove the same
withinten days.                 --
An act to prevent the haluling of sein-s or ho's nuctilng the pass'age of fish oil certain dtys in Up-
I.  .1 )         Iper Broad  creek, in Graen o t 0 it.
hle i  a4weled by the Geerol .'isseal/y of  t  tile oj :' t Carolna, ant
it is hereby euncled by the authority of the same, T'lhat leial'ter it shall
not be lawful lr any person, between the fifteenth day of February and the
fifteenth day of Mayi in each and every year, to haul or put in the water so
as to obstrutct the passage of fish any seine in Upper Broad creeck, in Craven
county, from Saturday evening at sunset to Mnday everting sunset.
1. -13e it further enacted, Tliatiaiy person offhnding against thc provi
sions of' the fi'st section of tIis act, if a free person, shall forfeit and pay to
any person suing for.the sante the sun of one hundred.dollars for c.ach find
every olrence, to be recovered before any tribiupal havingjurisdiction of the
sante; and be furthermore liable to indictnient, and upon conviction be fin-
ed or itinprisoned at the discretioi. of the court, the fine to be not less than
twenty-live dollars or more than filfty dollars, or iriprisoned more than ihirty..
days; if a slave, to receive a whipping on his or, her bare back, utpon tonvic.
tion before any justice of the peace of Craven county, not to exceed thiry,.
dfine lashes....
An act to repel an nt, passed in tlieyear eighteen itiohed tond thirly-onvi enihdd hfi act In
pievent obstructions to the pasttge of fish up Neuse and 'rent rivniis. '
Be it enacted by the General Ilssmldy of the; State qf'.Kirth Cqo'olina,
and it Is hereby e;acted by the  thority of the' ie, 1Th11t so nih oif li&
before recited act as prevents fishing ili the time therein specifiel, lit that
part of the Neuse rivor which lies in the linlit  of Lenoir county, be, andt
the same is hereby repealed.     -                                11
An actnoncerning flsherles on the cei1ppernong rive r, I the cottntics o TyrrlI and WNishitgtoii
Be it enacted by the General .qssemblY nj the State of North Carolina,
and it is hereby enacted by the authority of ihe same, That from and after
tile passage of thisact, it shall not be lawful foi any person or persons to
haIul any seine or seines in the waters of the gCulpper oing river, in tile coun-
ties of \- \ashington ant Tyrrell, ft'om Saturday evening sunset until Mon-
day morning sunrise.
II Be it Priher enacted. That if any person or persons shall bfend a
gainst the provisions of the above recited act, lie, she or they slall, on due'
conviction thereof, forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars, to be recovered
before any jurisdiction. having cognizance thereof, one half to the use of
the ifoirmer, the other half to the poor of said county.
III. Be it further enacted, That all laws. and clauses oflaws coming
within the lacaning anti purview of this act, be, and the same are hereby
An act to prevent obstructing the passage of fish up New river, in the eounty of Ashe.
Be it enacted by the General ,/ssembly of the State of North Carolina:
and it is hereby enacted by the authority of th same, 'That no person a?'

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