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An Act to prevent the unlawful asportation of slaves from this State. 1832-1833 12 (1832)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0144 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA.
unteer co. a L' I ht Infantry, Grenadiers, Riflemen or Artillery in this State, 1
duced to 14. redcued to forty-four, inclusive of commissioned and non-comnmis-
sioned officers, musicians and privates, any law to the contrary not'
An act fat the better organization of the militia of this Slate.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North
Carolina. and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the samek
41l' exempts That it shall be the duty of the several cnptains or commandants
tpbeenrolled. of militia companies in this State, to enroll and keep enrolled, on
their muster rolls, all the exempts belonging to their respective
. of excompanies, and who are exempt by law, from performing militia
'Spt. to b duty, only in time of invasion or insurrection.
returned to II. Be it jurther caacted, That it shall be the duty of said cap-'
1aIn'dts of re. tains or commandants to return tho number of exnpts in their
giments.   annual returns to the commandants of regiments.
Conun'dis. to  Ill.*And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of com.
wake a like mandants of Regimentsto make a like return of all exempts, in
return to the their respective regiments, in their annual returns to the brigr.dier
Irigadier and and adjutant General, in the same mainner as is prescribed by law,.
adit gen'l. for making the said annual returns.
An act to allow the taking of depositions in cases of removal.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Slate of Nort/.
br~ascs of rc- Carplina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the samle
moval of f  In cases of removal of any cause fron the Superior Court- of law
muse fr.O  of one county to unother; that after the order of removal, deposi*
Vo. to another sitions may be taken in the cause, and that commissions may
depositions  issue from either of said Courts, under the same rules, as if thb
otybctakcn. cause had been originally commenced in the Court from which the
Commission issues.
An act to prevent the unlawful asportation of slaves from this State.
Be it enacted by the General Assenbly of the State qf North
Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same,
That if any person or persons, shall wickedly, willingly and felo-
If any person niously carry, convey or conceal any slave or slaves the property
shall unlaw- of any citizen or citizens.of this.State, without the consent, in writ-
fully carry a- ing, of the owner or owners, his, her, or their guardian or guar
hy slave Out dians, of such slave or slaves; previously obtained, or shall feloni-
at Stt ne, ously, wickedly and villinglyr.take, conceal, or permit or suffer
,al,or other- the same to bb'i done, with the intent and for the purpose of carry-
*ise aid inth' ing and conveying such slave 'r slaves out of the limits of this
same, they  State, with the intent and for the purpose of enabling such slave
shadibedeem- or slavs to effect an escape out of this State, every such person or
cd guilty of
felony, and persons, so carrying conveying or concealing, or so taking, con,
T'er (eeath. cealing or causing or permitting the same to be done, with the in-
tent as aforesaid, shall be taken and deemed to be guilty of fvlolti.
knd sh1l1 sqer de IiW withqt benqfit of Clergy,
.1   .   ,                    0

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