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An Act to prevent slaves from attending muster or election grounds, on the day of muster or election, in the counties of New Hanover, Sampson, Onslow, Jones, Craven, Lenoir, Wayne, Carteret, Johnston, Brunswick, Duplin, Camden, Hyde, Tyrrell and Currituck. 1830-1831 130 (1830)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0134 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF NORIi CAROLINA.

law shall not tak erflict unless theCounty Court of Hawood, a majority of
th .cting ji tices being present, shall think.the ame advisable at the first
or any sub equent court after the pasauge of this act.
An act concerning those persons who ure interested in the bench ad marshy lands lying in the
cunty of Currituck.
Whereas a large body of be.a b and nat shy lands, lying on the. sea shore,
betwien Nag'- iead and the New Inlet, in the county of t. urrituck, is va.
]uan e on account of range for stock, and some wIo own stock thereon as.
some to them'elves too large a portion of the profit arising therefrom, by kill-
ing *nId pu lmn in their own mark the same: Theicfore,
Be it enacted by the General .AssemblY ol' the State of North Carolina,
and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That a majoitly of
the persons haviag an interest it the said beach and marshy lands, lying on
the sea shnre between Nag's Head and the New Inlet, in the county of (ur.
rituck, shiall have the power of selecting some proper person or persons
whose duty it shall be to advertise at least live days in one of the most pub-
lic places on the banks, and one on Roanoke Island. the day or days of kill-
ing, mat king or taking off any stock from said banks or marsh; and the per-
son or persons so appointed shall receive for his or their services a compen-
sation not exceeding the suim of one dollar per day.
I1. .#nd be it further enacted, That the aforesaid person or persons, when
thnv appointed, shall be termed commissioner or commissioners whose fluty
it shall be to keep a list of the mines of such persons as may be interested
in the range on sauid marsh and banks, anti that the said persons thus inter-
ested shall pay said comnmnissioner or commissioners for his or their servi-
ces to pi oportion to the stock mhiev may own on said beach and marsh.
If 1. i>'e itfurther enacted, Thai il any person or persons shall be found
Mil kna, kilitng oi remving stock from said banks or.tnursh at any other time
th.. -h l days set apart by the said commissioner or commissioners, he, she
or ihey stnall be ti.ble to a penalty of one hundred dollars, to be recovered
by %%at rant before any justice of the peace of said co'unty, one half to the use
oi he informti . the other to the poor of said county.
IV find be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and af-
ter the tit d ay of March next; any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
An act to prevent slaves from attending muster or election grounds, on the day of muster or e-
le.*io, in the co1uun1 ies it New tanover, Sampson, Onslow, Jones, Craven, Lenoir, Wayne,
C etret, Johnston, Brunswick, Duplin, Camden, Hyde, Tyrrell and Currituck,
He it enaireil by the General .'tuasmblij of the State of North Carolina,
and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That hereafter it
sha no' 1e lawful tor any slave to atteud at any muster or election ground,
in New Hinover, Sampson, Onslow, Jones, Craven, Lenoir, Wayne, Car-
teret. Johnston, litunswick, Duplin, Camden, Hyde, Tyrrell or Currittick,
upon the day on which a muster or election may be hield. unless carried
there by his or her owner or employer, or the agent of the owner or employ-
er, (or sent to carry a note or letter to his or ht owner or employer or agent
of his or her owner or employer, or sent upon the business of his or her own-
er or employer; and when so sent upon the business of his or her owner or
employer. to have a written pass from his or her owner or employer, or
some p eson autiioised 'y the owner or employer to give such written pass;
and such pass shall express generally the object or reason of sending such


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