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An Act to compel owners of slaves to keep white persons on their plantations in certain cases, in the counties of Brunswick and New Hanover. 1830-1831 119 (1830)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0132 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF NORTH CAJIOLIA,&

!ob who may-ow.e the same; which said suits shall l4e brought in the flame of
the person,. precribed by law, and prosecuted[ at the expense of the county.
1V. And  be it further enacled, ''at it shall be the duty of the clerk of the
Court of Plens and, Quarter Sessions for said county to furnish said commit-
tee.witll a statement of all sums allowed by the County Court to individuals,
settingforth the several amounts, and towhom allowed.
V. Aind beit furtherenacted. That all public accounts for said county,-and
all vouchers exhibited in the settlement ol.publicaccounts, shbll be laid be-
fore the committee of finance; and the said committee shall report to said
courf as directed in the before recited '.t.,
VI. .nd be it frther-enacted, Tha so much. of the above recited-act as
compels the committee of finauce for si id county to examine the accounts
of public ocers from the year one thou and eight liutidred and twenty, be,
unt the sarne ig hei-eby repealed.
VII. .Aid bre itfurther enacted, That ifany person, who shall be appoit-
ed by the said justices as aforesiid a member of the committee of finance for
said county, shalf refuse or neglect to serve or do his duty as a member there-
of, he shall be liable to a penalty ofvtwenty five dollars tor his refusal orneglect
as aforesaid, to be recovered in an action of debt before the Court of Plean
and Quarter Sessions for said county, for the use of sald county, to,le sued
for in the iiaie, of the person prescribe,! by law: 'rovided, that no person
shall be cdmpelled to serve as a member of said committee oftener than one
year in three years       .
VIII. A2nd le it further enacted, That this act shall be in force immediate-
ly from and after the passage thereof.
An act to compel oners of slaves to keep white persons on their Plaintations In certain easer,
in the counties of Br ingwick nul New I Inover.
Be it enacted by the General ./Assembly of the State of North Ca-
rolina, and it is herebU enacted by the authoritly of the same, That here-
after it shall be the duty of all furn'iers and planters in the counties aforesaid,
who have as many as fifteen slaves of the age of tivelve years or upwards
employed on any one plantation, to employ some white person to superin-
tend and control said slaves, and remain on such plantation in the absence
of the owner, whenever suoh absence shall exceed forty days.
II. Beit further enacted, That any person failing to employ some, white
person to remain on his or her plantation as above specified, shall be liable
to' the penaly of one hundred dollars, to be recovered by and in the namevif
any person suing for the same,ione halt to the -use of the wardens of the
poor, the other half for his own benefit: ProvidedneverthcIess, that whene-
ver such abitence shall pro~eed from sickness or other unavoidable accident,
no such penalty shall lie incurred.
An act to antlinrise the jtstices of the Court of Pleas and Qwurer Sessions of the cnunty of.
Northampton to employ aitbeprototnsreaprtthrersofsdcuty
Beitenactedbythe General ./lssembly of the State qf North Carolina,
nd it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the justices of
the Court-of Pleas and Quarter Sessioms of said county, at the court to be
holden after the first day of January next, or as soon thereafter as they may
deem necessary, a majority of the justices being present, are hereby au-

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